chapter 3

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Teacher: Everyone, attention. As you all know, He will be studying with us. He was born and raised abroad. Its his first time to Korea so help him with the culture and things. His name is.....

The teacher stopped and looked at Rai.
Rai spoke his name but the way I'm assuming, no one understood the language he spoke. All the students looked at the teacher questioningly, but not even he knew the language rai spoke.

Deja vu...

Me, standing next to Rai, I decided to speak up.

Mei: his name is Cadis Etrama Di Raizel
Teacher: ah. So you know him, Mei. do you speak our language?

The teacher addresses to Rai.

Rai: I'm not fluent.
Mei: pfft...

All the students looked at him as though they we're thinking the same thing I did.

Teacher: you have a long name. What's the first name and what's the last name?
Rai: all of it is the first name and the last name.
Mei: I call him Rai for short.
Teacher: you both have the same name. Are you two related?
Mei: no. Rai is my husband.

All the students yelled out the word "Husband" very loudly. I looked up at Rai and a faint blush appeared on his face as he still had his apathetic look.
How cute.

Teacher: right. Then, he can take the seat next to you.
Mei: yes, teacher.

I walked back towards my seat with Rai following behind to take his seat next to the window. He always did like staring out the window.
As the day progressed on, time just moved on by in class. Rai never moved, but only to turn his head at times.
A lot of people got weird vibes around Rai sometimes. Kids from the other classes came over during recess, but couldn't talk to him because of the vibe.
He's always been a quiet person, even when I met him. But this type of Rai, I loved for a long time.

Mei: ....Its different here Rai. In this new day and will things turn out now?
Rai: .....
Mei: maybe this is a chance to start over....

I looked out the window just as Rai was doing.

Mei: all the life in this place...I'm adjusting, but I like it, Rai.
Rai: .....
Mei: was it always this vibrate being around humans? Or rather young humans.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now