chapter 5

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Somehow Rai was able to make friends with two people in the class. Shinwo and Ikhan. I'm glad, Rai needs more male friends.
At lunch, I had to but Rai's food for him. Maybe he'll like ramen.

Mei: here you go, Rai.
Shinwu: you've been abroad, haven't you? Have you had ramen before? Its really good.

Rai stiffened when I handed him chopsticks.
I laughed a little.

Mei: their just chopsticks, Rai. You used them to eat here.

A faint blushed appeared on his apathetic face again as he broke the chopsticks apart.
Rai can't adjust to things here as quickly as I can, but he'll get used to it.....let's hope he doesn't get lost.

Mei: eat before it gets cold.
Rai: it multiplied?
Shinwu: the noodles are soaking up the broth. Hurry up and eat.
After hours, school was over. We all walked on the sidewalks.
Ikhan seemed to like games a lot.

Shinwu: you really don't know anything, do you?
Ikhan: have you ever played video games? Let's play together next time, Rai.
Shinwu: yeah! I'd be able to show you how.

Suddenly, we all heard a loud shriek.

Ikhan: what was that?!

Shinwu suddenly took of running down the way, and we the rest of us quickly followed behind him.
Before the rest of is turned the corner, there was a loud crash.

Shinwu: Yuna, are you okay?!
Yuna: shinwu?

It was another girl from our class in school.

Shinwu: what did you do to yuna!
Ikhan: what's going on?

I looked over to the cause of their fright, and there was someone or something in the rubble when shinwu kick it.
It was definitely something. It looked as it was a man who had gotten infected. Rai looked at it too and knew exactly what it was as I did.

Yuna: let's go, shinwu. He's dangerous!

The man had a pole ripped through his neck. But he pulled it out as if it was nothing. The kids had gotten frightened and ran off screaming.

Shinwu: RUN!!!

I noticed something else here, like eyes watching us. Rai noticed this before I did.
I grabbed Rai's hand.

Mei: Rai...let's go.

We left, trying to catch back up with the kids.
I looked back at Rai, and he looked at me. We thought the same thing.

Not normal.

We caught up to the kids and they we're all out of breath from running so much.

Ikhan: what was that all about?!
Shinwu: was he human?!

Yuna had finally caught her breath.

Yuna: thank you. All of you.
Mei: are you hurt, yuna?
Yuna: no. Thank you, Mei. You too, Rai.

I let out a small sigh of relief.

Ikhan: hey, by the way, Rai, Mei, where do you live?
Mei: ...?

Before I could say, I noticed Rai reach into his coat and pull out something and give it to the kids.

Yuna: that's...?
Shinwu: the director...?

They all looked up at Rai.

Mei:, no worries. I know the way. Rai is just....directionally challenged.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now