chapter 4

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Mei: the human world has always been strange.
Raizel: much of the human world have you seen?
Mei: almost every inch of it. Good and evil. I've been around since the's amazing how much they can evolve in a short time.
Raizel: ....

Me and Rai were alone in one of the rooms Frankenstein had prepared for me. Rai may not need sleep at all, but there comes a certain point in time where I get tired. And right now I'm very tired, but Rai agreed to stay next to me until I fell asleep.

Mei: ...over 800 feels like it was all just a dream.
Raizel: ...we're lucky to have survived.
Mei: your lucky...I could have prevented all that. They wouldn't have gone into the mountains. Muzaka wouldn't be mad at the humans. You two wouldn't have faught..... Ashleen....Ashleen wouldn't have....
Raizel: Mei. Calm down.

I didn't notice the whole time I was trembling. Rai pulled me closer to him, trying to calm me down.

Raizel: Its not your fault. You did the best you could.

Rai rubbed the back of my head. It calmed me down only slightly.

Mei: ....
Raizel: I am grateful you stayed by my side and protected me this whole time.
Mei: ....
Raizel: I love you, Mei.

Hearing him say that after a long time surprised me a bit. made me happy.

Mei: I love you too, Rai.
Raizel: get some rest.

Even though the tense atmosphere had lifted. I kept having a slight worry for Rai at the back of my mind.

MeI: Rai. Hopefully, in the human world you don't have to use your life force. But....for the time being...please don't use your life force when I'm not around.
Raizel: ....
Mei: your not invincible...and I have a certain amount of life energy that I can give you....I don't want you hurt. I don't want you to die...I want you to live...Okay?
Raizel: ....

Rai gave me a nod.
With that, I finally fell asleep.
I was sitting next to Rai under the shade of a tree. Its sunny and you could smell the scent of fresh grass. I had my head propped up on his shoulder.
We're back in lukedonia.

Its so peaceful.

Vince: this is what you dream about? Pretty bland.

Above in the tree, Vince was sitting on a branch.
This was indead a dream in my own mind.

Mei: what do you want? Jeeze, I can't even have peace in my own dreams....I'd consider this a nightmare since your here...isn't that right, dream Rai?

He simply nodded his head.

Vince: you and that husband of yours is a natural bomb ready to detonate.
Mei: says death himself. Don't talk about my husband when he's not here to defend himself.
Vince: and if I don't?

The sunny dreamscape had became dark and red. The dream Rai had disappeared. I looked back and glared at Vince.

Mei: looking for a fight?
Vince: heh heh.

I stood up to my feet, fists clenched. Vince came down as the dead tree had vanished. Both of us in a stand off face to face.

Mei: you know if you kill me I'll just come back to life.
Vince: and you can kill me all you like...I'm already dead.
Mei: God, I hate you.
Vince: And I love you.

At this point I was so angry, my dreamscape started to shake and crack.

Raizel: Mei...

Out of the distance, I heard my name faintly.

Raizel: Mei...

It was Rai....

I was so drawn and distracted by Rai's voice calling me, I didn't notice Vince grabbed my face, then forcefully kissed me.

That's when everything shattered.

Raizel: Mei...

I snapped open my eyes and I was back in reality. But now Vince wasn't the one kissing me, it was Rai.
My internal panic had calmed. When he finally noticed I was aware he pulled away.

Mei: ...u-um...I uhm...

Words couldn't come out my mounth. I don't know if I should be scared or happy...disgusted or pleased.

Dammit, Vince...

Raizel: didn't move.
Mei: ....ah. S-sorry. It takes a minute for my spiritual self to come back to my physical self after sleep.

I rubbed my eyes.

Mei: sorry to worry you.
Raizel: look pale.
Mei: ...? I-I do...? I just had a weird dream, that's all.

Rai placed one of his hands over mines, looking at me earnestly.

Mei: I'm really okay Rai. Nothing serious.
Raizel: ....
Mei: ....r-rai....Can we do that again...a-another time?

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