chapter 67

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I had to wait a few moments before I headed back, not only to heal but I had to wait until it was that point in the timeline where I could intervene. I know that while I was off in the middle of the fight with Vince, I sparred some time so
Frankenstein could come in and help out with Lascrea and the others.

Mei: ....okay, it's time for me to go...

I rushed back as soon and as fast as I could. As I came upon them, I could clearly see Frankenstein, lascrea, and the others.

Suddenly, there was a big burst of energy I knew coming from one person....Ragus Tradio.
I looked down and there not only was him....but he was about to attack....

Mei: RAI!!!

I quickly swooped in, and just at the right moment, in that split second to immediately hold a force field to protect Rai.

Thank goodness, I made it in time...

As expected, everyone is all here in one place now.

Raizel: Ragus Tradio...and the rest of you shall give it everything you have got when facing us.

Rai really is gonna fight? ...well, it can't be helped since we are kind of outnumbered and have people wounded....

Suddenly, I had this big feeling. It was a familiar feeling of this large burst of energy. Before I realized it, one of the blood wings sprouted out from my back and the same with Rai.
...but it felt different from the other times this happened.

Mei: ......we will give it our all when facing our enemy...

Although, I plan to make Rai use as less energy as he possible can.....even So, I hope whatever he did worked.
I summoned my gauntlets, and for some reason, they feel a lot more lighter than they normally do....I'm surprised.

Mei: ...?!

Raizel: mei, can you fight?

Mei: I should be asking you that. Jumping into a fight without me....don't worry about me, for now just let me be your shield.

Raizel: ....

Raizel then used his ability of Hemokinesis on Ragus. Manipulating the blood in his body, causing
His body to crush and crack against itself.

I would hate to be on the receiving end of that. But its an effective ability to use.

Ragus: ugh...! aaaghhh!!....WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? ATTACK THEM!

Drakun: Mount. Let's go!

Mount: I can't stand the sight of those nobles!

Drakun and mount then started to charge our way.

Mount: and I hate these two most of all!

Mount threw a hard punch straight forward at me, but I was easily able to catch and twist his arm, enabling his movements.

Mount: ...huh?!

Mei: hmph...

With my free hand, I clocked his so hard in the face it sent him flying back and crashing hard into a big mound of rubble.

That felt awesome!!

But I had to keep focus because Drakun was coming my way next.
Swiftly, I dodge his swing and grabbed him by the shoulder, forcing him down harshly to his knees.

Even I felt almost overwhelmed by how much lighter and faster I feel. Like my power has increased a lot more than what is used to be. It's almost as if its back to how it used to be 800 years ago before we faught muzaka.

Mei: wow. How exciting. I feel like I'm so young again.....hey, Drakun, I wonder if I can blow your head off in one go!

Drakun: ...?!

Suddenly, mount came burst out right at us and blasted a beam right at us.

Mount: that hurts!

With ease Rai was able to absorb the shockwaves of the blast. In the process, Drakun managed to escape.
Without Mount noticing, I grabbed Mount by the clasp of his suspenders, and punched him harder in the face once more, blasting him to the ground.

Mount: Damn it! How did she get me again?! I didn't even know she did it, but it hurts like hell!

Mei: haha. That was so fun!

Raizel: mei.

Mei: ...ah, yeah sorry. I shouldn't be playing at a time like bad, hehe.

I really almost couldn't help it, I haven't felt this light, strong, and complete in a while. The power is overwhelming. It helped me, but whatever Rai did, I hope it helped him too.

Ragus: I just can't figure this out. What's going on? YOU TWO MUST HAVE USED UP YOUR LAST REMAINING LIFE FORCE IN THE FIGHT WITH MUZAKA. BUT HOW CAN YOU BOTH BE SO POWERFUL? Well, I guess that doesn't matter now. We were right. You two are the greatest obstacles stopping us...

Mei: shut up.

Raizel: Ragus Tradio. You talk too much.

With the position that Ragus and the others are in now that Rai and I became stronger, there is no way for any of them to win. Fate can only come as their time to disappear draws closer.
But for now, we have to hold off until then.

Ragus: Don't just stand there!!

Drakun: we're coming!

Drakun, mount, and kaiyo all came flying at us at the same time from three different directions.
Rai used his power and ceased their movements all in their tracks.
I used my opportunity and was able too attack all three of them multiple times, and smashed them into the ground with tremendous force.
For a moment, I actually felt sorry for them.
I turn back to Rai and noticed now that Edian was there, but frozen in place....

Raizel: Edian Claudia.
Edian: sir r-raizel...?

Raizel: do not hesitate to attack me. I am your enemy.

Edian: ....?!

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now