Chapter 63

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I've been laying out in the field for a good hour. I had found the right spot where I could fall asleep and hopefully not be disturbed.
While I'm in my dream state, I needed to find out a few things.

****mei's dream****

I opened my eyes and saw I was in the middle of some forest. I stood to my feet and checked my surroundings.
It was quiet....
....until I hear the sound of light little cries. Cries that would only come from a child.
I followed the sound until it grew closer and closer to my line of hearing. When I finally reached the spot where I could hear it directly, I looked up and saw a child. It looked no younger that 4 years old, Clinging tightly to the tree as if it's life depended on it.

Why would a child be out here alone? And in a tree?

Mei: hey...are you okay up there?

It turned its head down to look at me at the sound of my voice.
It was a baby boy.
His cheeks were red and his eyes were filled with tears from crying.
how could he have gotten up there?
I walked closer to the tree and when I held my hand out to him he flinched and latched back on to the tree.

Mei:'s alright. Don't be scared. I won't hurt you.

I reached both of my hands out open to him.

Mei: come here. It's fine...I'll catch you when you fall.

I honestly didn't think for a second that he could understand me. He was hesitant, but eventually, he ended up jumping from the tree and into my arms.
For a split second when he landed in my arms, I thought I felt a spark of electricity...but it was only a split second.

Mei: ....see. I told you I'd catch you.

The baby latched it's grip on to my shirt just like he was in the tree. He was trembling and still lightly sobbing. I put my hand on the back of his head and held him in my arms more tightly.

Mei: it's okay now, I'm here....your not alone anymore, so please don't cry.

I calmed the little boy down as much as possible and stopped his cries.

Mei:'s your name.

The boy stopped and looked up at me for a second unquestioningly.

Mei: y'know, what do people call you...?

He still was looking at me as if I spoke another language.
I was really starting to believe he couldn't understand me at all, but then he shook his head back and forth at me.

Mei: I see...You don't have one...umm...

The boy then pointed his finger at me.

Mei: huh? .....Oh! You want me to give you a name?

The boy shook his head up and down happily.

Mei: Oh, well...I...umm...hmm, let's see.......

In the mixed of my thoughts, I suddenly heard footsteps...multiple footsteps.

Mei: ...I'll give you one later. We need to leave this area now.
I lost the child.

He was in my arms one minute and now he's gone?

I can't leave him out here, I have to find him before whatever else was out here does.
Could that have been why he was in the tree? Something was following him?
I searched and searched...but he was nowhere I could see.

Mei: dammit. Where could he be?

I ran and ran but then I finally saw the little boy out in a clearing. Then, I stopped. I was froze, because when I got a clear view of the child, I also got a clear view of that same black figure.

Its here....?!

I grew near the child, and reached out towards him. I don't know why, but the little boy smiled.

Mei: why...?....wait a minute...

The black aura had engulfed the little boy and as if dust in the wind, they disappeared together.

Mei: don't go.....I never....gave you a name.
Even in my comatose state, my mind is spinning out of control. One minute I in this specific location, suddenly I find myself somewhere different.

Maybe it's caused by the function of my physical body...

Suddenly, I hear the sound of a small cat.
It was a cat...a black cat with Amber eyes.

Mei: ...Hello there...aren't you cute.

I crouched down and raised my hand out to it, and it immediately came up to me and rubbed itself against my hand. The cat then stopped and ran in the direction it came out of, as I looked up towards that way, I wasn't prepared for what I saw.......

Mei: ...Lazark Kertia.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now