Chapter 40- Part 1

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Note: Once again so sorry for not uploading again, you can slap me if need be but I have been very busy. New chapter woop you get to see what happens to Lila now but it's another two part considering this chapter was 9 pages on Microsoft word (which means that it would've been verrrry looong). Okay so fan, comment and vote if you want to show your support for the story. Two chapters left after this one everyone. Anyway enjoy the chapter my lovelies, Laura X


We landed in the attic and Chris lifted me up onto the red couch that was always there. I leaned into the backrest and he kneeled in front of me.

"It hurts" I choked and he dropped his head onto my leg. His shoulders shook and I knew he was crying.

"I'm sorry" I said and lay my free hand on his head. He looked at me.

"What have you got to be sorry about?" he replied, his eyes were still filled with tears. I caught a stray one on his cheek but left my hand there.

"Because I put you and your family in danger by not listening to your warnings about Josh. And Coop" I started but stopped as I coughed into my hand and orbs appeared in the attic. Wyatt, Melinda, Amy, Piper and Leo appeared. I removed my hand from my mouth to see that I had coughed up more blood.

"It's okay guys. Please leave I don't want you to see me like this" I said to them and they all glared at me, which made me shut my mouth.

"Don't be absurd. We're staying whether you like it or not" Leo said and I smiled weakly at him. Wyatt came and sat next to me and took my hand. I tried to resist but he was too strong. When he felt the wetness he looked at my hand before looking at me. He smiled but I saw pain in his eyes. A cloth orbed into his hand and he wiped the blood away. I nodded at him, not having enough energy to do anything else. He smiled back in reply, knowing I was thanking him.

"Lila?" Melinda called me. I looked over to her and she approached me and sat on the floor next to Chris who had put his head back on my leg again.

"You have to fight this. You can't leave us" she said and I smiled at her.

"I'll try but it's too strong" I said, trying to find the words to describe how I was feeling. My eyelids fluttered closed and I fought against the wave that tried to drag me under. "-it's like swimming against a strong current in a river that's rushing too fast. It's keeps pulling me under and I fight each time to resurface, but each time I get weaker. Mel I don't think I will be able to hold on for much longer. I'm not in pain anymore though. My whole body feels numb so much so that I can't even feel Wyatt or Chris holding my hands" I said, feeling guilty at saying this. Chris looked up, frowning, before looking at Wyatt. They exchanged glances before nodding at each other.

"Mel go and help Wyatt please" Chris said to his sister. She nodded at him and followed Wyatt over to the trunk where we kept various witch supplies.

"Hold on tight" Chris said as he lifted me up into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself against his chest before laying my head against him as well. I smiled at this. I felt so comfortable. So content. Especially now that Josh was out of my life.

"Hurry up Wyatt. Get the candles and place them in a circle" Chris said. I looked at him and shook my head.

"My powers are too weak. I used the last of their energy to get to you two. They won't help now" I said and saw Chris' face fall at this, but I could tell he was still determined. He shrugged.

"We will figure something out. Don't worry Lila, I'm not going to let you go" he said and smiled as he placed me on the floor and put a cushion underneath my head. He lay next to me while his siblings placed the candles in a circle. I could tell by his body that he had no energy.

"Don't forget a lighter or something" Chris said and I heard Leo run down the stairs.

"Are you okay?" I asked him stroking his cheek. He nodded and I frowned at him. He shook his head.

"I'm tired. We all are. It happened ever since you got stabbed. Mom said it's because your powers are tied to ours as well and so it's affecting us, since you're our third wheel" he said smiling, knowing I hated being called a third wheel but I smiled back and nodded.

I moved closer to him and lay my head on his chest before burying my face in his chest. He stroked my hair and I started to cry. I was so happy that I would be able to die at home. I knew that Chris and Wyatt wouldn't be able to prevent it from happening.

"Hey it's okay Lila. Don't cry please" Chris said at the same time that I heard Leo rush through the door, panting.

"We're ready" Wyatt announced and Chris nodded. I looked up at him and he smiled before kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes at the touch and shuffled before lying back on the cushion.

"Are all the candles facing the right way around?" I muttered as Chris made his way over to they yellow candle.

"Yes Lila" Wyatt replied. I looked to where his voice had come from and saw that he was standing outside the circle, behind the red candle, as this candle was by my feet. He smiled at me and I returned it before closing my eyes.

I smelt burning and felt a draft around my body as Chris approached my feet.

"Fire if you can hear me, I ask that you use all of your energy and bless this circle with your presence. Please Lila needs you" Chris said and my heart hurt at hearing the desperation and sadness in his voice. The air warmed and I knew then that the elements had enough power for them to be invoked into a circle. But I don't think they would be able to do anything else. Chris came towards me and bent to the purple candle.

"Spirit, I know you care about Lila just as much as we do. I ask that you answer my call and grace the circle with your presence please." With that I felt my spirit jump slightly, but I knew that spirit was the weakest. When I had been stabbed, spirit suffered the most as it was the element closest to me.

"Lila?" I heard Chris say. I hummed my reply as my eyes closed. I was ready. I had the Halliwells around me and my elements were invoked into a circle. I knew now that if I passed onto the afterlife I would be happy. So that's just what I did. I gave into the darkness that had threatened to overtake me so many times before. I didn't resist as I felt my spirit float out of my body and land next to Chris who had rushed to my side.

"LILA!" he screamed and dropped to his knees, before placing his fingers on my neck, looking for a pulse. "-NO!" he cried when he couldn't feel one. The sound made me regret my decision.

I have to go back  I thought to myself while walking back to my body. I tried to step into it but I couldn't. Oh no. What had I done? I thought it would be fine to go, that the Halliwells would know I was fine and that I was at peace but all it had managed to do was reduce Chris to a blubbering mess. I saw he was clutching onto my hand so fiercely in the hopes that it might bring me back. But it didn't. It couldn't. I was dead. I regretted my decision to give in but I don't know how to undo what I had decided.

"Lila" Melinda sobbed quietly as she fell down next to me.

"Lila. Sweetheart it's time to go" a female voice said from behind me. I turned and saw my mom.

"Mom" I smiled and rushed at her. She opened my arms and encompassed me in a hug.

"Oh my darling. All is fine now. I'm here" she said as I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Mom I have to go back" I said, pulling away from her. I saw that we were in a white place. There were benches dotted around as well as other people clustered around smiling at each other.

"You can't my dear. It's too late. You're in the in-between. You're nearly there now though" she replied and I knew that all hope was lost. I sagged onto the floor.

"Okay. Is there no way that I can go back and let them know I'm fine and not to be sad?" I asked her and she shook her head. Tears brewing in her eyes as she knew how much this was hurting me to let go of the Halliwells.

I sighed and nodded at her. She took my hand just as I felt myself being pulled away from my mom.

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