Chapter 22

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Note: Hey guys sorry for the wait, i've been super busy with homework and the last bit of revision for my exam next tuesday. Just to say that this chapter is crappy and i wrote it last week when i was having a bad day, i promise the next one will be better and will hopefully be posted tomorrow, if not i will post over the weekend. The process i used in this chapter was just something i quickly researched, i have done it before except it was so long ago that i don't remember. Thanks enjoy the chapter my lovelies



We forgot about the previous problem of being spied on and decided to lounge around for the day.

"Chris I'm bored" I whined again for the fifth time in the last minute.

"What do you want me to do about it?" he replied his face once again hidden by the arm that was slung across his face.

We were currently in the living room. No surprises there since us kids enjoyed hanging out in the living room. Approximately two hours had gone by since the encounter with the stranger lurking around in the garden.

"Well I do have an idea" I said to him. He moved his arm away and looked at me, urging me to say something. I grinned at him.

"Okaay?" Chris said dragging out the 'a'.

"Well we could do something artistic" I suggested and Chris smiled.

"What do you have in mind?" I could always count on him to want to do something artistic. We were similar as we liked art and loved music.

"I know where the supplies are hidden and there are some big sheets upstairs" I wiggled my eyebrows. He looked confused. I giggled at his expression.

"Tie-dyeing" I said and jumped up excitedly which was echoed by Chris.

"Awesome" we both said.

"I was thinking we could create some new curtains or bed covers and maybe some t-shirts" I said and Chris nodded.

"Yeah the curtains and stuff in our rooms are kinda boring" he agreed with me before we both ran for the stairs.

"I've got the tie-dye stuff, you get the sheets" I called over my shoulder to him while running towards the kitchen. I ran for the door to the basement and opened it wide, causing it to hit off the cupboards before I ran down the stairs. Surprisingly I didn't fall.

I emerged in the basement and scratched my head as I tried to think where Melinda might keep the supplies, since she did tie-dye our shirts for the gig at Piper's club. My eyes scanned the room and landed on a chest tucked away in the corner.

"Aha" I said to myself and skipped over to the chest, pulling back the clasp when I arrived and flinging the lid open. Six different tubs met my eyes and I realised I would have to orb, so I shut the lid and tapped into Chris' power before orbing into the parlour, scaring Chris as the chest thumped on the ground. He raised his eyebrows when he saw the chest and I opened the lid again before taking out each tub separately and settling it on the floor next to me. With a lot of difficulty I might add.

"So shall we do curtains first?" I asked and Chris nodded but looked me up and down pointedly. It was then that I noticed he had changed into his old clothing that he usually wears if he's ill and I was still wearing my pyjamas.

"I'll go and change then" I said, randomly pointing above me and orbing once again into my room as I was too lazy to run up the stairs.

Once my feet settled on the carpet I went over to my wardrobe and pulled open the doors, revealing my clothes. I moved to the left side where I kept the clothes I never tended to wear. I picked out some old leggings and a stretched vest top before stripping off my pyjamas and throwing on some underwear and my clothes. I orbed once again and landed beside Chris who was picking up a tub of the tie-dyeing powder.

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