Chapter 18

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"Wow. I thought that the forming of your bonds would've been gory or something seeing as how you neglected to tell us" Melinda said. I shrugged feeling slightly tired even though it didn't take long to tell the story, but smiled in response not knowing how to answer her statement. My head spun and I leaned it on my hands, covering my face but that only made it worse. The elements swirled around me, taking my breath away and making it hard for me to breathe, just as it had been for Melinda earlier.

"Lila!" I vaguely heard someone shout before I was thrown out of my body and slammed onto the earth.

I hurriedly stood up and looked around me. Well at least my head had stopped spining and looking down I saw that I was still dressed in my red pyjamas. I rolled my eyes before taking in my surroundings. I was standing in a field with a stone cave opposite me with large rose bushes on either side. Spinning around I saw that the place was beautiful. Bushes with a variety of flowers on them surrounded the area and trees were dotted around. I sniffed and found myself bombarded with a swarm of different smells. Roses, tulips, daisies, carnations, daffodils. Wait what? Daffodils? But it was the middle of autumn. Basically every type of flower was blooming in the grove. I felt my mouth water as I turned to the trees and saw that they held different fruits. Apples, oranges, pears and some that looked unfamiliar, even earth was unable to tell me what the fruit were. A sob from behind me got my attention.

Silhouetted against the interior of the cave was a figure. I assumed that the person was about 5'5 as he or she was slightly smaller than me. Another look at the figure told me it was female. As she stepped out of the cave, the light given off by the moon and stars made her figure more prominent and I realised that she looked familiar.

Her hair was long and flowing, shoulder length, making it much shorter than mine. As the light caught it, it looked like her upper-body was surrounded by a heavenly glow.

"Hello?" she said softly, stepping forward to reveal herself. I gasped. She was beautiful. Her hair glowed silver in the moonlight, but I knew that it was golden, just like I knew her eyes were a midnight blue. This was the girl that I had a vision of just five days ago.

"Hello. I'm Lila" I replied realising that I must have been sent here to help her. She nodded her head at me. "You are?" I asked when she made no move to introduce herself.

"I'm Lucy" she said and bowed her head slightly. I frowned in confusion. I stepped forward about to take her hand and offer her my help but she stepped back, so I stayed where I was.

"Lucy I think I'm here to help you. If you let me I can take you back to my home where you can get help from some people I know. Good people" I smiled at her, feeling the need to add the good people part on, just to let her know that I was good. She gracefully cocked her head to the side, acknowledging me before nodding. I held my hand out and she took it before I orbed us back home.

We landed in the hallway and the house was in a flurry. It was then that I realised my body had been taken for the ride, not just my soul. I felt Lucy sag next to me and took her arm to steady her before leading her into the living room and settling her on the couch.

"Lila!" Amy screamed as she walked through the joint doorway leading into the conservatory and ran towards me and landed in my arms. She hugged me to her.

"Where did you go? We've been so worried" she exclaimed, making me pull back in pain as she yelled into my ear. Something slammed against my soul and I felt like I was drowning in emotion. The most powerful emotion was loneliness. When I focused I realised it was coming from Lucy so I turned towards her and knelt down before taking her hand in mine.

"Lucy has something happened? Did you lose someone?" I asked and she looked up at me, tears flowing freely down her face, which glinted and swirled a number of different colours. She nodded and closed her eyes. I did the same and she gave me her memories. It was then that I realised I hadn't received any information from her.

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