Chapter 7

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Note: i do not own any of the lyrics in the next few chapters. i just love these songs that i decided to use them for the band in my story. thanks x


There were less students here than what I thought there would be. Small groups of two or three were dotted around the room sitting in clusters around tables. I noticed a few from my registration class as well as from Wyatt's, then my eyes landed on one girl with dyed blonde hair and brown eyes. I groaned inwardly.

"What's up?" Chris asked. I jumped in surprise not realising that I had groaned loud enough for him to hear me. I rolled my eyes and gestured towards the girl.

"Your biggest fan is here. I heard yesterday that she likes you, she was imagining that you were her boyfriend" I said and felt a smile pull up the corners of my mouth as his face showed surprise.

He obviously doesn't like her if he was surprised. Otherwise he would've blushed, I thought to myself.

And why are you so happy about that? said Wyatt in my head. I stuck my tongue out at him, then made my way over to the teacher when I saw her. Trust Wyatt to be listening in on my thoughts.

Walking past I saw that some groups were finishing off their music coursework, or just generally enjoying the sound of instruments around them and making their own songs.

"Miss?" I said as I approached her

"Hello Lila. How have you been?" she replied

"I've been good thank you Miss Jasper. How are you?"

"I'm good. The class is different without you though-" she smiled. "-anyway what can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if my band could practice somewhere. We have a gig at Piper's club tomorrow and I would like to practice a little bit before we do the sound check tonight" I explained.

"Yeah sure. Next door should be free" she said.

"Thank you. That's really helpful" I replied grinning at her before jogging up to the boys.

"Miss said next door should be free and that we can practice in there" I said as the boys headed towards the door but then I remembered that they needed their guitars. I backtracked on myself and went towards the cupboard behind the desk, where I knew my teacher let me keep my guitar and my band's.

As I got there I found four guitars, Wyatt's was the red wood one, Chris's guitar was a dark wood at the top and a dark brown colour, basically it was dark, then there was mine and Amy's which were exactly the same, except Amy had a little scratch on the back of the neck of her guitar. I picked mine up as I felt like bringing mine with me and strumming a few chords on it. I needed help carrying all four of the guitars though. Almost as soon as I thought it Chris appeared by my side, giving me a cocky grin and picked up his and Wyatt's guitars as I picked up mine and Amy's. With that we made our way back to the door, where Wyatt was holding it open for us. We walked out and waited for Wyatt to open the door to the next class. When he did we walked inside.

I placed my guitar on the guitar stand and put Amy's on the one next to it. When I was sure they wouldn't fall off I went to a table a pulled out three chairs for us to sit on. I placed them in a circle so we would all be facing each other, then I went and got my guitar before I sat down on one of the chairs. Soon after, Chris and Wyatt joined me and they started strumming some chords just to warm up.

I looked closer at my guitar and saw that it was dark in colour around the edge and the rest was a light brown with steel strings. When I heard that the boys had finished strumming I started strumming the tune to one of the new songs I had written, using my favourite black pick. The songs I wrote were totally different to the Paramore songs that I sung. These songs were more country like whereas Paramore were more rocky. Actually some of these songs were written for a friend that I knew a few years back, but then she got discovered and moved away to Tennessee to pursue her singing career. I was happy for her and helped her with songs by giving my opinion and writing lyrics that she could use, though she wrote all of her own songs, I wrote the occasional few for her but she only tended to pick out certain lyrical phrases from the ones that I wrote. If she used any of the songs though, because they were technically hers, I'd have to get permission from her to use them, though I knew she'd be fine with it.

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