Chapter 13

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As we got inside first, we were able to grab the table that we usually sat at. This had enough chairs for our big group to sit at and also had a good view of the stage, even with people standing in the way. We made our way over there as Piper headed towards the bar ready to help serve the people. There was no need though as not many people were here yet so she grabbed some drinks for us and set them down on the table before taking the tray back up to the bar.

She made her way back and sat down on the leather couch type seat next to Leo and Paige, who had perked up on the ride over. I sat on the chair and sipped my lemonade. My phone vibrated in my jacket pocket.

Hey Lila we're here and the bouncer won't let us in we're too young can you come get us please. Terri x

"Piper. Josh and Terri are here. They're stuck at the door though" I said after reading Terri's text. She nodded.

"Okay I'll go and get them but you had all better go on stage and get ready. There's only half an hour left until you have to play" she said and walked up the stairs to get my friends. Just great. Half an hour left, I could feel the butterflies now.

My band took her advice nonetheless and made our way over to the stage before climbing up and hiding behind the curtains that Piper had bought a few years back. I checked that the microphone was plugged into the jack so that the speakers would play my voice. When that was fine I made sure the drum kit was still in good condition, even though Justin had already done this.

"Is everything set guys?" I asked starting to hear the panic in my voice. They all nodded and Amy sent me a smile meant to comfort me, but it didn't help, just reminded me of what we would be doing soon. I decided to poke my head out of the curtains. When I did I saw that the club was filling up rapidly and I saw that Josh and Terri had taken their places at our table and that Terri had taken my chair. I was so going to sit on her later if she didn't move her butt. I looked at my watch and saw that we had fifteen minutes left and that my hand with the watch on was shaking. I took some deep breaths which helped but reminded me even more that we would be performing shortly. The boys must have sensed my panic because they came over.

"Hey Lila you're amazing okay you don't need to panic" Wyatt said and I grinned, that made me feel better but I was still worried. What if something went wrong during the performance?

"Lila don't fret. Nothing will go wrong everything is fine. The guitars are tuned. You're voice is perfect. What happened to the optimistic you?" Chris asked.

"I have no idea. It's something new so I suppose that I'm worried because I have no idea how things will turn out" I said and shrugged slightly. The boys nodded in understanding and each took one of my hands. I felt their confidence in me flow through me and it gave me strength, just as Piper announced us. Did she have a microphone then?

I took in a deep shaky breath as I walked back over to the microphone, since I'd moved further into the centre of the stage when I'd spoken to Wyatt and Chris. I glance around at my bandmates, mostly as a way to reassure myself. Amy, Chris and Wyatt had picked up the guitars and were strumming. I could tell by the way they were strumming that they were quickly checking the tuning. No one could hear them at the moment because the amplifier hadn't been turned on yet. I looked behind me at Justin, he gave me a thumbs up which I returned. Knowing that my bandmates were fine helped to ease my mind just as the curtain pulled away revealing us. The crowd cheered and my eyes went straight to our table, where everyone was clapping and grinning. Melinda looked ecstatic and I knew that our clothes looked great.

"Has anyone heard of a band called Paramore?" I asked and cheers echoed around the room. I took that as a yes and smiled "-well to start off with my band and I are going to play a song by them. I hope you like it"

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