Chapter 12

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I felt myself being rocked softly, and when I opened my eyes I was met by the colour of blue. The blue receded and I realised that I'd been staring into Amy's face. Why she had felt the need to put her face so close to mine, I don't know. As I slowly sat up, I saw that she was sitting on the bed next to me.

"Hey Chris said to wake you up. He's in the shower" she said and smiled slightly. I nodded and noticed that my headache had disappeared slightly. I looked at my watch on my arm, which I had forgot to take off when I went to bed, it announced that the time was seven. I gasped.

"Crap I hadn't meant to sleep that much" I said, but instead of getting up I collapsed against my pillows. Amy smiled again.

"It's okay, we all know that you don't spend ages getting glammed up anyway. Unless you wanted to today for a special boy" she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at her, and as she moved to stand up I slid out of the covers. After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I looked at my friend and saw that she was dressed in her outfit for tonight already, but it still looked unfinished and I knew that Melinda would be here soon to add accessories. I stretched and instantly felt awake.

I skipped past Amy and headed towards my bedroom door, which was open, before walking out into the corridor. It happened that at the same moment Chris excited from the bathroom, wearing only a towel tied around his waist. My eyes bugged out of their sockets, but I managed to compose myself as he turned and faced me. I pictured what would happen if the towel fell off, and then blushed for even thinking that. Naughty Lila! I mentally scolded myself. What the heck was that about? As I looked up at Chris I saw that he was blushing as well, possibly at being caught only wearing a towel. I cleared my throat before saying,

"Well is the bathroom empty?" I asked and he nodded.

"You're the last person to use it, we're all ready now as soon as I get dressed" he explained. I cringed but nodded. Crap I'd meant to be ready by now and trying to deal with the butterflies in my stomach. I made my way past Chris and into the bathroom, before locking the door and stripping down. There was a rack of towels next to the shower, and the mirror was steamed up from the shower that Chris had just had. Grabbing a towel off the rack, I stepped into the shower and hung the towel on the rail before turning the faucet on and letting the water fall on me. I could tell that the hot water was nearly out but I wasn't in the mood to pamper myself. I searched for the familiar pink colour of my favourite soap on the shelf under the shower head and picked it up when I saw it before scrubbing myself raw. For some strange reason I felt dirty even though I'd had a shower yesterday morning, but then again I was used to washing every day.

After I washed the soap off my body, I moved to shampoo my hair. I returned my soap back to its place on the rack and went to grab the shampoo next to it but my hand came up empty. I then realised that I had ran out of shampoo yesterday. I rolled my eyes.

Chris can I ask you a favour please. Can I use your shampoo I'm out?  I sent to him through the bond, but picked up his shampoo anyway knowing he would be okay with it.

Course, but why don't you use Mel's?  he sent back. That was a good question.

Because I don't like her shampoo, and it doesn't work properly on my hair, 'cause mine's thicker  I replied, hearing him mentally sigh into my mind but I knew he didn't mind. For some reason I always preferred using Chris's shampoo if I had none of my own left. That was because I preferred the smell of his shampoo to Melinda's. I squeezed a small dollop of his shampoo into the palm of my hand and gently massaged it into my hair and scalp. When my hair had been properly shampooed I washed it out, not needing to repeat the process since I'd washed my hair yesterday. I washed my hair every time I showered, which was every day, since my hair became oily quite easily. After that was done I turned the taps off and reached for my towel where I dried my face so I could see before stepping out of the shower and drying myself before wrapping it around my chest. I unlocked the door and peeked out to check if the coast was clear. Seeing that it was I slipped out of the bathroom and into my room, hitting right into Melinda who was standing in the doorway, apparently waiting for me. She smiled at seeing me up and about.

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