Chapter 36

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Note: Another chapter wow I really love you guys. That and the fact it's nearly half past nine at night here in England and I'm bored out of my brains. Unfortunately it's only a filler chapter (gosh I hate these so much) and what do you think of the band name? I'm not sure but I think it sounds right. Okay so head's up after this chapter there will be six more left and then this story comes to a close. So comment at the end and fan and vote if you wish. Enjoy the chapter my lovelies


"We're late!" Piper said again for the fifth time.

"Sorry" I replied again. She had been saying this for five minutes. Looking at my watch it confirmed that we would be slightly late as it was dead on one o'clock.

"Lila!" Wyatt and Chris said sharply. They had said this each time I apologised. I smiled sheepishly at them both and squeezed their hands. They had both held my hands once we sat in the car, I supposed it was because my fall had scared them slightly.

We pulled into the parking lot at an alarmingly fast speed and I could tell that for some reason Piper was eager for us to get there. Well I suppose it was our big break, we didn't want to make a bad impression. I groaned as my ankle burned again and I dropped my head onto Chris' shoulder.

"Your ankle again?" he whispered and I felt his breath tickle my neck. I shivered as I felt the hairs on my neck stand on end.

"Yeah" I breathed and lifted my head up to look at Chris. I cleared my throat as I saw how close we were. It was the same distance that was between us yesterday when we nearly kissed. It had the same effect on me though. I wanted to close the distance between us, but I knew I couldn't. Not while his Mom and siblings were in the car with us. Not while I had a boyfriend.

Wyatt let go of my hand and I turned away from Chris. He sighed in what I assumed was frustration and I heard his back hit the chair.

"Lila can you walk?" Wyatt said. I turned to my right to see that he had opened the door.

"Um... I think so?" I replied feeling very unsure. He nodded and got out of the car before offering me his hand. I shuffled over to his side of the car and took his outstretched hand. He helped to pull me out and I gasped as I stepped onto my right foot, the one which had gotten caught on the climbing frame. And the one which was so sore that it was burning.

Once I was out of the car Wyatt supported my weight as he reached behind me and slammed the door shut. I heard the click as Piper locked the car. We walked around the back of the car to see that everyone else had already arrived and were waiting for us. We had been the last group to leave the park as I took longer to walk from the play area to the parking lot. Josh approached us.

"Is it okay if I take over from here?" Josh asked Wyatt. I saw Wyatt glance at me before his hold on me loosened. I resisted and held onto him.

"Actually Josh, we're doing fine without you thanks" I said regretting the harsh tone in my voice when I saw the hurt flash across his face.

"Fine" he spat at me before turning away. I squinted in thought, had I imagined that his eyes had changed colour? Perhaps. But it was probably just the sunlight. But the same had happened in the photograph. In one photo his eyes were their normal brown colour, and the next they were black. The same had happened just. I don't know about Wyatt's theory but there was definitely something strange with my boyfriend. Whether or not I still felt the same about him I wasn't sure, but what I did know was that I had to find out what was with him.

"Lila?" Wyatt whispered and I looked at him. "Are you-?" he started but stopped as I cried out in pain when my bad foot landed on the ground to hard. "Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded but gritted my teeth.

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