Chapter 6

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Chris, Amy and I were all in one registration class, with Justin, Josh and Terri in the class next to us. As Wyatt was an 11th grader he was across the building. Melinda was three years younger than us, she was currently in 7th grade, but hung out with us at lunch and break. Luckily this was one of the schools that combined high school and middle school together, though each grade had their registration rooms on different corridors. As Chris, Justin, Josh, Terri, Amy and I were 10th graders we had the same corridor, which meant all of our registration teachers taught science. We walked into the class just as the bell went, signalling the beginning of registration.

As a group we walked to our normal table, in the middle of the classroom and on the same wall as the door. As we usually did I sat next to Chris, facing the front with Amy opposite me. She had to turn around in her seat to face the front of the classroom.

I shrunk into my chair, listening for my name to be called and answering "Yes Sir" when it did. But I realised that I sounded dead, which was how I was feeling currently considering it had been a long morning and I only had about five hours sleep. To some people that would be long, especially Terri who I know stays awake most of the night texting, but for me that was really short. Chris tapped my leg, bringing me back to reality and I saw that he was looking at me, concern plain on his face. He amazed me as he wasn't afraid to show his emotions, especially if it was with me, it would be kind of pointless though considering I'd be able to feel them through our bond, no matter how much he worked at blocking it off.

He tapped me again. I smiled at him, and this time I knew it wasn't forced. He nodded his head at me and faced the front again. I followed suit and realised how I was blanking out a lot today, and the day hadn't even started yet. I made sure that from now on I wouldn't keep blanking out.

After I decided this, my teacher had finished calling the register.

"Okay class. As you all know today is a half day-" he began and the class cheered, including my group and I "-but it is also one of those days where we give to charity, so I would like you to be charitable and put some money into the bucket on the way out" he replied. I heard some people moan, but I didn't mind, after all the family I had were all about helping people.

"Also, due to it being half day, you get to pick the lessons you do. So I will pass a piece of paper around the class and I would like you to write down, next to your name, what you will be doing for the rest of the day" he said and stood up with a piece of paper, waving it about as if to prove his point. Then he walked to the table in front of us and placed it there.

"Pass it around clockwise please" he said. I mentally cheered, meaning I would be able to claim the room that we had already talked about using to practice in.

I watched the paper being passed around the five people on the table in front until the last person, a girl called Julianne, stood up and placed it on our table. I smiled at her and as she turned to walk away seized the paper and scanned through what they had all wrote down. Two people had wrote they were doing music, but luckily they hadn't wrote down the room I wanted. So quickly, as if any second now someone would snatch the paper from my hands, I found my name Lila-Rose Anderson on the register and wrote down next to it music and room no. M12. This room was my old registration class and I liked the teacher there, but she only allowed a certain amount of people there and as she was my old teacher I knew my band and I would be allowed.

I then passed the paper to Chris, who was chuckling at my eagerness. He wrote exactly what I wrote before handing it to Amy. As she was the last person to write on the page she had to get up and hand the paper to the next table. When she did so she came and sat back down. She seemed quiet today. I made a mental note to ask her if she was okay later.

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