One Piece x Hellava/Hazbin pt 2

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The crew walked up to the hotel where Usopp knocked on the door.

It was answered by a woman with blonde hair and she looked to have a happy smile.

"Hello folks! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! Come on in! Vaggie! We got a lot of customers this time!.......?!" Then Charlie noticed one of them was an angel. She had a lighter skin color than most angels and she had a flowing tulie dress that reached her ankles.

She was also holding hands with an imp that was half her height and wore a straw hat. The imp also had dark hair, which is rare. Male imps with dark hair are seldom seen in hell.

Then Charlie noticed the wedding bands on their fingers..........are they.......?!?!

Vaggie came by to take a look at the horde of demons. They seemed like mismatched gang, then she noticed the angel of the group.

She didn't look like she would put up a fight since the imp was guiding her to a chair to rest.

"What is an angel doing here, Charlie?" Vaggie whispered.

"That's what I'm wondering too." A tinny voice said. And a certain Radio Demon appeared.

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper hid behind the others, but Luffy stood in front of Yukiko with a face.

Then the others came by. Angel Dust, Husk, and Nifty.

Nifty and Angel quickly noticed the handsome males but backed off when Yukiko gave them a glare when she pulled Luffy closer to her.

"Well, how about telling us you you all are?" Charlie said trying to clear things up.

"Well, I'm Nami. The green wolf over there is Zoro, the spider is Robin, the Dragon-bot is Franky, the Lizard man is Usopp, The skeleton lizard is Brook, the Fishman is Jinbei, the small creature is Chopper, the neko is Bonney, the blue demon is Sanji."

"I'm Luffy, and this is my wife, Yukiko." Luffy said proudly as he sat next to the angel who smiled at him.

That got their attention.

"Hold it. An imp and an angel? I must be high..." Husk said looking as his bottle.

"Aw, one is taken already." Nifty whined.

"Hold a minute! I may not know your game, but I'm keeping an eye on you!" Vaggie said as she had a weapon out....only for Luffy to destroy it and the others were on edge with their weapons out. Along with a cherub that looked like a squirrel with electricity sparking from his cheeks.

"Touch our Captain's wife, you die." Zoro said as his sword was an inch away from Vaggie's throat.

Charlie was about to calm things down when Yukiko spoke. "I'm not surprised, but I'd appreciate it if you point those weapons away."

"But she threatened our child too." Luffy reminded her.


"Wait, you mean?!" Charlie asked in excitement.

"Yeah, I'm three months along." Yukiko smiled.

"Whoa! Did not see that coming. Wait till I tell Cherri." Angel Dust said in surprise.

"My, my! Now I've seen everything!" Alastor exclaimed.

Now the crew is getting situated, but how would Hell react to this?

I forgot to ask before,

How would these characters react to Yukiko and Luffy's marriage and Yukiko's pregnancy? And the fact that Luffy is leading his own group of demons?

Katie Killjoy:
Tom Trench:

Plz comment

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