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The ship bursts through the clouds and the temperature suddenly drops and all the crew could hear is the wind.

Finally, there's a burst of light and the wind comes to a halt, letting the ship drop with a loud crash.

Yukiko and Pachi were gasping for air and coughing as they were soaked.

"That was a rush." Yukiko said as she looked over at Luffy who was gasping for air.

"You OK?"

"I'm fine..." Luffy breathes. "You...okay?"

Yukiko nods, too focused on breathing to give a straight answer.

"Everyone alright?" Zoro asks breathlessly. Everyone makes a noise meaning they all survived; that was a good sign. Once they get their breath back their gazes are met with a sea of clouds.

"Wow! Look at all the clouds!" Chopper squeals excitedly.

"But how?" Nami wonders. "Why aren't we falling?"

Luffy shrugs, "Clouds float, boats float, same thing."

"No, it's not." Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper deadpan.

"Well maybe there is something different about these clouds." Yukiko said.

"Ah! Usopp's not breathing!" Chopper yells, kneeling over Usopp.

"He's not?! Quick do mouth to mouth or something!" Luffy yells.

"I'll do mouth to mouth on Nami!" Sanji yells and Pach sweeps her tail under him.

"Idiot..." Zoro mutters.


Although Usopp was still unconscious, Chopper presses on Usopp's chest a few times and he wakes up; should've known there was nothing to worry about.

"But still, this is amazing! We're basically in a n ocean in the sky!" Yukiko said.

"But wait, the Log Pose is still pointing up!" Nami says.

"Then we must still be in the middle of the Cumulo Regalus cloud." Robin says.

"Wait, so we have to travel even higher?" Chopper asks.

"That's what the Log Pose says." Robin says.

"Well, if we're not falling I think we can get higher into the sky. This must be the White Sea Noland mentoned in his Log book." Yukiko suggested.

"Here I go!" Usopp says taking his shirt off and posing on the railing, Luffy and Chopper cheering happily. "Cloud ocean swimming champ Usopp!"

"Wait, are you sure this is a good idea?" Yukiko asked.

"Yuki-chan is right. We have no idea if this is safe or not." Sanji said.

But Usopp slips on his goggles and dives into the clouds. "He did it!" Luffy exclaims.

"He's so brave!" Chopper squeals.

Luffy and Chopper then pout and lean on the railing.

"I wish I could swim..." Luffy whines.

"I bet it's the funnest thing ever..." Chopper agrees.

"Um, he's not resurfacing....." Yukiko said after a while.

"You know...this ocean might not have an actual bottom." Robin remarks.


"You're telling us this now?!"

"USOPP!" Luffy yells and stretches his arm into the clouds.

"Luffy, keep stretching as far as you can!" Robin orders.

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