To the Summit of Lost Island

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Currently, the Going Merry was on its way to the Lost Island in a fog.

"Lost Island is at the end of this great ocean!" Luffy said to himself in excitement.

"This world is really amazing." Yukiko said.

Luffy turned around. "Oh! Yukiko, Pachi." He greeted as she made herself comfortable on one of the sheep's horns and Pachi decided to jump onto Luffy's head.

"Huh. Pachi never usually rides on anyone but me, or my family." Yukiko smiled.

"Don't you have dragons in your world?" He asked her.

"All kinds actually. In fact there are even Legendary Dragons that control the weather, govern space and time, there's even a trio of ancient dragons that maintain the balance of good and evil in secret. One came from space itself and another protects the ecosystem of the world. And recently, they learned of the existence of two legendary dragons said to be the envoys of the ancient past and the distant future." Yukiko told him making him excited.

"Wow! You also said you're world is home to lots of Pokémon, what about the people there?"

"We actually have a pretty small population compared to this one. About a million people give or take a few hundred. Much of our world is still inhabited by numerous Pokémon and so the land is a mix of grasslands, deserts, lakes, swamps, forests, tropical jungles, oceans, rivers, mountains, glaciers, seas, caves, volcanic areas, and there is even an electromagnetic cave where lightning Sparks around and runs still undiscovered in the ocean." She told him smiling.

Luffy seemed to digest what she said and smiled. "Sounds like an exciting world."

"It can be dangerous but you get an understanding of Pokémon you cant get from a book. Thats why they allow trainers to go on these journeys." She said moving a piece of her hair that had blown in to her face out of the way. "This is a really good place to watch the sea."

"It's my special seat."

"Should I move then?" Yukiko said starting to jump off the horn.

"It's fine." Luffy waved at her to sit back down. They stayed like that for a little while before Luffy looked up.
Nami and Usopp both noticed Yukiko and Luffy interacting with each other.

"Ya know, since Yukiko joined up with us, she's been doing a good job of keeping Luffy occupied." Usopp said.

"Yeah, it's nice she's keeping him from bugging us." Nami nodded.

"Not that. Earlier at breakfast, he I noticed that he was occupied with her and Sanji interacting. It's a little bit, but I really think he was jealous." Usopp clarified.

Nami paused at this.

"I wonder who will confess if they do get interested." Nami said.

"I bet Luffy. He wears his heart on his sleeve." Usopp said.

"Then I'll bet on Yukiko." Nami nodded.

"Hey!" He called to Nami and Usopp, who were up in the crows nest.

"You guys! See anything?!" Luffy asked.

"Nope, nothing!" Usopp shouted down.

"I see"

"It wouldn't be called Lost Island if it were this easy to find." Yukiko said to Luffy.

"Your right." Luffy agreed shouted up. "Keep looking guys!"

"That's what we're doing." Nami grumbled.

"Man, we've come along way, but there's still no sign of an Island at all... Are we sure about this?" Usopp asked.

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