One Piece x BNHA pt 11: Jinbei

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Next was probably the most intimidating interrogation as Jinbei was not human. 

He was an honest to god fish-man, and he was taller than All Might when he is in his buffed form!

"Jinbei, I presume?" Nezu asked.

"Yes. I became the helmsman for Luffy after many events in my life."

"Events?" Midnight asked.

"For centuries, there have been friction between humans and other non-human races. I was born in Fish-Man Island and I would eventually be one of the underlings of a noble fish-man pirate, Fisher Tiger. He believed that humans and fish-man can coexist in peace, but he believed that the ultimate obstacle were the Celestial Dragons."

"Celestial Dragons?"

"Contrary to their name, they bring shame to it's meaning. They are the aristocratic descendants of the nineteen rulers that first created the World Government. They have the highest authority in the government, and over time, they confused themselves with gods, thinking that 'humans' are filth beneath their feet. They also commit crimes with no consequences, even slavery of people, and other non-human races. They even treat kings and queens as dirt. With every generation, they get worse, becoming more arrogant and self-righteous. To the point they live above the world in the Holy Land of Mariejoa away from the rest of the world, and they use air bubbles over their heads as to not breathe the same air as peasants do. People are even expected to bow to them or risk being killed. No one is allowed to oppress the male Celestial Dragons when they force a woman to be a new slave or wife. They even toss them away when they get bored of them. I've heard some even commit suicide just to get away from such a horrid life. They were that cruel." Jinbei said.

Toshinori's body was steaming as his hands balled into fists, and it took Recovery Girl and Midnight to calm him down. The others couldn't blame him. Hound Dog looked ready to attack something, and Aizawa's hair was floating.

"Are they still....?"Nezu asked.

"No, they are no longer in control, they were removed from power after the Paramount War. You can ask Ace more about it. He can explain it better. Anyway, Fisher Tiger was the captain of the Sun Pirates, and he fought against the marines for protecting the Celestial Dragons. Those like myself followed his will. One day he was fatally injured, and before he died he told us not to hate humans as the Celestial Dragons were the real enemy. Arlong, who also used to be a sun Pirate, after I rescued him, was opposed to this and wanted revenge on the human race. We separated after that. I became a Warlord to establish intertribal peace, but over time, the government kept breaking the promise, especially when I heard what Arlong was doing in the East Blue. I finally left the Shichibukai when I heard that Ace, one of Whitebeard's best men, and and old friend of mine was arrested. He is also Luffy's older brother."

"Brother? Then again they do seem alike." Midnight said.

"Not by blood. They have different parents, but they are so close, it's hard to believe they are not related. In prison Ace would talk my ears off about his brother." Jinbei smiled at the memory. Then he gained a serious look. "Then the marines were about to do something unforgivable. They were gonna string Ace up for the world to see before he was executed, just for existing."

"Existing? Why would they do that?" Recovery Girl asked, perplexed.

"..................You'll have to talk with Ace if he's comfortable.......but, his mother was hunted by the government before he was born..............because he was the original Pirate King's biological son. Whitebeard was even going to wage war for him." Jinbei said.

Toshinori couldn't take it anymore. He went into his buffed form, filled with anger. Anger at the injustice, anger at what he was hearing, this......................the Marines were not honoring the code of justice at all! "YOU MEAN THEY DARED TO HUNT AN UNBORN CHILD BECAUSE OF HIS PARANTAGE?!"

Jinbei just sat as this happened. "You heard from Robin how corrupt the Government is.........................................but the whole war is over, Ace was rescued, and no one will have to worry about the Celestial Dragons or slavery's all thanks to Luffy and Yukiko." 

After a few minutes, Toshinori calmed down as Jinbei continued. "After two years, I met Luffy and Yukiko again, only this time, my homeland and my monarch, King Neptune and his family were in danger. Especially Neptune's only daughter, the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi. They wanted her dead as she was the only one who knew how her mother died. By their leader's hands. The New Fish-Men Pirates wanted to enslave humans, although Yukiko derailed their plans. We were able to stop them, and Luffy asked me to join his crew. I didn't join right away because I still had some things to take care of, but I did eventually become their helmsman." Jinbei smiled.

He also took out his bounties as the staff looked.

Knight of the Sea Jinbei, Helmsman, former Shichibukai

1st bounty

76,000,000 berries

2nd bounty

250,000,000 berries

3rd bounty

438,000,000 berries

4th bounty


current bounty:

4,210,000,000 berries


Next is Bonney!

Now I must rest!

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