Xiaolin Showdown Crossover p2

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At Jack Spicer's place, they gathered a couple of villains, including Katnappe, Tubbimura, and Pandabubba. They tried to get Chase Young to join, but he refused.

"So the Xiaolin Warriors have found new allies for us to fight?" Tubbimura asked.

"Yes, and they are powerful. We need to get them out of the way-ah! And not a moment too soon! Another Shen Gong Wu has revealed itself!" Wuya spazzed. "The Diamond Ocarina, it is said that when played, it can soothe even the fiercest of battle-driven hearts. Ah, and we must get it first! The Ocarina can not only soothe beasts, but also purify the Sapphire Dragon, if the enemy gets their hands on it and figures it out, the Sapphire Dragon will be used against us!"

"What?!" Jack said. "Okay, we all heard her, we gotta get the wu first."

Meanwhile the Xiaolin Dragons were listening to some stories of Yukiko's and Luffy's worlds.

"Wait, so you actually had to stop this Lysandere from using an ancient weapon to enslave others to his whims?" Omi asked Yukiko.

Yukiko nodded, and continued that Yvetal and Xerneus saved her from Lysandere using the weapon on her.

Then Dojo appeared.

"Everyone, another wu just revealed itself!" He said pulling out the scroll.

"Wu?" Luffy asked.

"The Shen Gong Wu are powerful magical artifacts created 1500 years ago by the Xiaolin Grand Master Dashi as a means to combat the powerful dark magic of the evil Heylin witch, Wuya. After Wuya was defeated, reduced to a disembodied spectral form and imprisoned within a puzzle box, Dashi had the Shen Gong Wu hidden all over the world." Fung said. "Our mission is to recover all the Shen Gong Wu before Wuya does."

"The wu this time is the Diamond Ocarina, when played it can soothe even the fiercest of battle-driven hearts. From beasts to humans." Dojo said.

"Mind if we tagged along? I want to see a Showdown." Yukiko smiled.

"Me too!" Luffy grinned excited.

Soon the Xiaolin Warriors and pirates found themselves at an amusement park.

"So it's somewhere around here?" Nami asked.

"If I'm right, it's probably being used as a Grand Prize for one of the stalls or hidden in one of the rides." Yukiko said.

"That means we have to check everyone of them." Clay said.

"Anything else this park has?" Robin asked.

Chopper looked at the map. "There is a koi pond, a water park, and a large water fountain. The fountain is at the center of the park."

"I wonder....Dojo." Yukiko said as she took Omi, Luffy, and the Dragon ahead.

"Ooh, your instincts may be right. That Ocarina is very close." Dojo said.

(They all decided to separate into search parties. And the others are dealing with Tubbimura, Pandabubba and Katnappe. )

"Omi, Dojo you said something about a Xiaolin Showdown, how does it work?" Yukiko asked.

"To participate in the showdown, at least two warriors are needed, and they both/all must touch the Shen Gong Wu they are fighting for at the same time. At which point, the Wu will start to glow. Once the challenge has been verbally issued by one of the participants, both participants wager one Shen Gong Wu. The wagered Wu are the only ones they are allowed to use during the showdown. After the showdown, the winning warrior(s) get to keep the Wu they were fighting over, and the Wu that were wagered as well. The loser must accept the outcome without objection." Dojo explained.

"The showdown begins by someone, usually both/all participants, calling "Gong Yi Tanpai!".
Most often, one participant chooses the wagered Wu for both warriors, although the other participant does have the right to reject the Wu that their opponent suggested and/or choose a Shen Gong Wu on their own. Using any Shen Gong Wu aside from the ones that were wagered is considered cheating, however no rules exist that would disqualify someone who does. Alternatively, stealing your opponent's Wu and using it yourself is perfectly acceptable. A warrior may also fight without Shen Gong Wu if they prefer." Omi adds.

Then Yukiko spotted the fountain which has a woman holding something shining.

The Diamond Ocarina!

She rushed to the statue and touched it the same time as someone else.

It was Jack Spicer.

"Well then, dollface, I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown!" He said. "My Monkey Staff for your, uh...."

"Yukiko can use the Mikado Arms." Omi said throwing the wu to her.

"I'm good with that. The game is Cosmic Skeeball. Highest score in 3 minutes wins." She said.

"Lets go. Xiaolin Showdown!" Yukiko and Jack yelled.

And the scene shifted to a Cosmic area as two skeeball stalls opened up.

"Gong Yi Tanpai!"

Then the timer went off as Jack and Yukiko started to play.

As Jack used his wu haphazardly, Yukiko didn't. She kept her cool as she played and got high points.

By the time the buzzer went out.

Jack: 50,000
Yukiko: 80,000

Winner: Yukiko

Everything returned to normal as Yukiko got the Ocarina.

"Amazing! She won her first showdown!" Omi praised.

"Great job, Yukiko!" Luffy cheered.

As Jack had to leave, Chase Young saw the whole duel.

"Interesting..." He smirked.
Second part done!

We will see the Sapphire Dragon as another raid is attempted.

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