One Piece x BNHA pt 1

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Before getting started on this, I would like to say that I'm setting the One Piece characters after the treasure has been secured by the Strawhats, since the Pokemon Gods have returned, there's no Egghead Incident, or mishap at the Reverie, and other things involving Blackbeard never happened. 

And I'll be doing something a little interesting.........

Read to find out!

Let's begin!


It all started as another day for Class 1A as they headed off to the USJ.

They were to learn how to save other people's lives but then villains appeared.

Izuku found himself with Tsuyu and Mineta in the Flood Zone, as they were on a ship surrounded by water villains. 

However, whether it was fortune or misfortune, a strange portal appeared above the Flood zone, only, it did not resemble the Mist villian's quirk.

With a crack, something crash-landed in the water.

The water villains scrambled to get away, only for them to see a large.........pirate ship with a lion figurehead.

"What the heck is that?"

"Is that backup?"

"No way, boss would have told us."

Then, a group of people started to emerge.


"Hey, where are we? Robin?"

"Hm. We appear to be in some kind of facility, nothing I've seen before.......but there are kids in trouble across this place."

"Oh, so they're bad guys?"

"Looks like it, Luff."

"Yohohohoho! Picking on kids? Guess they have nothing better to do."

"If I had to guess, there are maybe less then 80 of them here."

"Guess we gotta help, right Pachi?"


"Robin! Hold them down, Nami, you know what to do!"


Suddenly, to Izuku, Tsuyu, and Mineta's shock, arms suddenly appeared on the villains grabbing their heads and bodies. 


"What's happening?!"

"Is this a quirk?!"


That caused them to bend over in pain as they were knocked out.

"Blizzard Tempo, Freezer!"

Then the shipwreck zone froze over, leaving only the boat intact, and the villains were stuck.

"Wow! We didn't have to fight! I told you the pros from U.A. would come to save us!" Mineta cheered.

"But wait Mineta, none of them are our teachers, and I don't remember them on the news either," Izuku said as the people of the lion ship approached them.

They were a strange-looking bunch...

A man with black hair walks around in jeans and an open shirt, wearing an orange cowboy hat and freckles.

A woman with light purple hair and blue eyes, standing next to the freckled male.

One looked to be a pink-haired woman, munching on a piece of pizza. 

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