One Piece Op sequence

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A Shot of the ocean before showing a montage of characters up to Loguetown Arc (even a few from fillers such Daddy Masterson and Carol) before going to title. Yukiko shows up last before main characters winking at the camera with Pachi

Destiny. Fate. Dreams. These unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man.  As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life these things shall not vanish from the Earth.

-People tell me my heads and the clouds
I don't care what they say because I'm dreaming of you
you are the treasure I found
so bright so bold yet so illusive
it's hard to look away even though it's blinding me
though I Don't Know where to describe how I Feel inside
I'm Really Really sick on You
oh oh
I'm gonna follow my Dreams no matter how Crazy they seem
I won't stop till I get there You will see you're all I need to have the strength to believe

Believe in Wonderland!

The Merry sailing with the Straw Hats crew before they nearly sail off a waterfall. The Straw Hats showing off attacks while scenes from previous episodes featuring them play in the background. Yukiko Appears before Luffy with futures sequences in the next arc with her Pokemon, and she is about to use a Z-MOVE. Her color is silvery white. Flashes of upcoming characters (Apis, Eric and Commodore Nelson, Crocus, Laboon, Ms. Friday, Mr. 13, Ms. Wednesday (Vivi), Mr. 9, Mr. 8 (Igaram), Miss Monday, Mr. 5, Ms. Valentine, Dorry and Brogy),

I'm gonna follow my dreams no matter how crazy they seem

'I'm gonna share them with you a love so true
you're all I want together we can move on
live how we want to
there is no limit to us we have the power of love
and we don't want to live ordinary lives
we have a chance to live in paradise believe in wonderland!'

Straw Hats running on a beach with a Sea King yawning in the background (lifted from a chapter cover), Shanks and his crew, more shots from previous episodes and finally the Straw Hats once again with Luffy using the Straw Hats' flag as a cape.

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