One Piece x BNHA pt 6: Sanji

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Sanji was a careful guy and knew what to say. He wasn´t stupid. He noticed Midnight, but remained silent. This was serious and he promised Yukiko not to spazz at a woman.

Nezu only had a smile and put on the table and pack of cigarette and a lighter. That caught Sanji attention.

"Can I smoke?" Ask Sanji

"Yes, you can. This room has ventilation, so I will be fine."

Sanji light a cigarette and puff some smoke.

"I really needed this." Said him all relief.

"So Sanji right?"


"Last name?" Asked Nezu.

"Dropped when I ran away."

The staff looked in curiosity.

Sanji sighed. "Before I was born, my family, the Vinsmokes, They were a fallen royal family from the North Blue, but in recent years they have been building up strength. They rule the Germa Kingdom, as well as the former dynastic conquerors and rulers of the North Blue. They were a powerful and infamous family of Underworld mercenaries.......About 300 years ago, the Vinsmoke Family established and ruled the Germa Empire after conquering the entire North Blue with their military might. However, after 66 days, they were dethroned, yet they continue to rule over the ocean-going Germa Kingdom, and still possess the authority and privileges of royalty, including the right to attend Levely, meeting where the world's monarchs gather every 4 years to establish future guidelines. Furthermore, their patriarch is powerful enough to directly influence the bounty system, by both increasing bounties and changing their conditions of capture.......the current patriarch was my sperm donar." Sanji said with a scowl.

That told the staff Sanji didn't like his father.

"I had an older sister, and me and my three brothers were quadruplets. I was the third born son............but that man only saw us as weapons. When mother was pregnant with me and my brothers, he forced her to take medications to modify our genetics and make us heartless fighting machines. She didn't want that, and took a drug to counter that although it costed her life after childbirth. I was the only one not affected by his medications, so he hated me for that. I also didn't like violence and I wanted to cook because mother was good at it before her health failed...............he would let my other brothers torchure me and imprison me.

Aside from mother, my sister, Reiju, was the only one that loved me, and she helped me escape. It was thanks to them I gained a respect for women." Sanji said.

"Well, I'm glad she did." Recovery Girl whispered.

"I escaped to a luxury ship where I became a kitchen apprentice and sharpened my skills. It was also how I met Zeff."


"He was a unique pirate, the captain/cook of his crew. He was once known as Red Shoes Zeff, a pirate with incredible leg strength. He never used his hands in battle. His legs were strong enough to smash bedrock and leave footprints in steel. He earned his name from the blood of his enemies that dyed his shoes. Despite being a pirate, he obeyed a Peculiar code: don't take other people's food. He knew better than to starve those he plundered and he never killed civilians either." Sanji said.

The staff were surprised by this. A Pirate with a conscience. That's interesting.

"He then saved my life when he heard my dream was to find the All Blue, a mysterious part of the sea where one can find fish from all over the world. It's a cook's paradise. It was his dream too. But.............we got shipwrecked on an island..........he.....I thought he split food between us.........but he gave all the food left to me, and ate one of his own legs to survive until we were rescued." Sanji said looking down.

This stunned the staff.

'A Pirate saved his life, gave him all his food, and ate his own foot for him?!' Lunch Rush thought.

"After we were rescued and treated, the old man decided to open a sea-going restaurant. Because we I felt responsible for his lost leg, I became his apprentice and dedicated myself to learn his fighting style with only my footwork. A real chef never let's his hands get injured. All Chefs we hired were hot-blooded pirate types, but good cooks too. But they were perfect for the job, as pirates would target the restaurant and we protected it.

One day, a pirate called Foul-Play Krieg came to claim the ship, but Luffy was the one to send him packing. Krieg was a ruthless man that lied his way into the marines, then he killed the commanding officers and took over. He would use a Marine flag to raid into ports or use a white flag to drop the enemies guard. He even went so far as to attempt to kill his own commanding officer who refused to kill me after I saved his life. It took some convincing, but I joined as the crew's cook.

During our separation, I had to train with one of our captain's father's allies............I'd rather not go into detail about it. You're better off not knowing." Sanji shivered.

The staff noticed it was uncomfortable for him, and let it pass.

"Some time after we were reunited, my sperm donar was looking for me. He wanted to use me as a marriage pawn for one of Big Mom's daughters. I reluctantly had to go or the old man would be killed."

"Big Mom?" Aizawa asked.

"She's one of the Yonko, you'll have to talk with Jinbei and Yukiko about the Yonko. Anyway, she's the leader of the Big Mom pirates, one of the most feared, she had a reputation for kidnapping her husbands, forcing them to give her children then killing the men once the kids were born. She even allowed her kids to kill their stepfathers, the only people she trusted were her own children. Turned out Big Mom was after his technology and would kill him and the others after she got what she wanted. She was even after Yukiko for her abilities and wanted one of her sons to marry her. But Luffy intervened and they failed. I reluctantly saved my family, but I refuse to associate myself with them."

They didn't know what to think. Sanji may be complex, but he was a man that still did the right thing.

Though they had to hold in their laughter when they saw the posters.

Black Leg Sanji, Chef,

1st bounty, attempt to take photo failed, wanted for defeating Jabra of CP9:
77,000,000 berries

2nd bounty,, changed to Only Alive
177,000,000 berries

3rd Bounty, for connections to Germa 66
330,000,000 berries

4th Bounty, for defeating Queen, a Top Commander of Kaido's Beast Pirates
1,032,000,000 berries

Current bounty:
3,032,000,000 berries.

"I swear even after getting my face, the government is just being mean."
Whoo, now we get to sweet little Chopper!

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