To Dressrosa

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Punk Hazard was now far away as the Thousand Sunny sailed away. The tanker now long gone with Tashigi and the kids on board, only the G-5 and Smoker stayed behind, waiting for a Marine fleet.

The crew had two new members on board as guests, Momonosuke and Kin'emon.

And two more in an alliance, Law and Melissa.

"By the way, why are you two on this ship?" wondered Zoro, gazing at the samurai.

"Yeah, I haven't thought about that but the kids had gone with the Marine" enriched Usopp.

"We're in the midst of an important trip" answered Kin'emon. "So we didn't want to get involved with the Marine and waste our time. You can drop us off on some island with a harbor. Until then, please let us stay on board"

"Please!" Momonosuke bowed his head just like his father.

"Okay, no problem!" replied Luffy, sitting casually as his usual place on top of Sunny's head with Yukiko and Pachi.

"You can pay us later" grinned Nami, making the samurai whip his head at her in disbelief.


"Nami." Yukiko said with a stern tone.

"Nami, where are we going next?" inquired Luffy, and the navigator's expression turned thoughtful.

"The next destination is already set" spoke Law. "It's Dressrosa. We already have an Eternal Pose." He said as Rebecca showed the Pose.

"Dressrosa?" Yukiko repeated.

"Yes. There is something we have to do there." Melissa explained.

"D-Dressrosa?!" exclaimed in surprise the samurai.

"What? Do you know the place?" asked Luffy, coming down from his seat.

"Th-That's exactly where we....I mean, I want to go! You need to go there, too?!" Kin'emon said.

"You have no idea what's going on, do you?" sweated the surgeon, gazing at the straw hat boy unamusingly.


Melissa looked over at her friend. "You actually chose him as your boyfriend?"

"He may not be the brightest star in the sky, but he's strong and his heart is in the right place." Yukiko grinned.

Suddenly, the waves grew in sizes and the current shifted. The Thousand Sunny leaned down and followed the new current that made some kind of slope to the stupor of everyone, except for Law. He didn't look that surprised of this strange phenomenon.

"Yeeha! It's fast! The ship's going fast!" yelled Luffy, laughing loudly.

"Look out for rock reefs!" warned Nami.

"What's going on around here?!" cried out Usopp, leaning down against the railing to take a look at the sea.

"It's a sea slope. It's not uncommon in the New World." stated boringly Law.

"Whatever you do, don't have to go against the current. It'll get us to Dressrosa quicker." Melissa suggested.

"Come to think of it, you were talking on the Den-Den Mushi earlier. Who were you talking to?" said Robin.

"That was Doflamingo"

"DOFLAMINGO?! THE WARLORD?!" shouted in horror the sniper. "I've heard he's the most dangerous one!"

"The plan is already in action" the surgeon's eyes darkened, a shadow covering his forehead.

"What plan?" demanded inquisitively the swordsman.

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