Xiaolin Showdown Crossover pt 1

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Another day for the Xiaolin Temple as the young monks were training their skills.

However, they hear some kind of crashing sound as the sky began to look strange.

"What is that?" Omi asked.

"Whatever it is, I don't like the look of it. Dojo?" Raimundo asked.

"Uh, I'm just as confused." The dragon said.

Then from the Wormhole, a strange ship appeared and landed in the  water near the temple.

"Is that a pirate ship?" Kimiko asked as she saw the pirate mark.

"Reckon we should check it out." Clay said.

"Lets!" Omi agrees.
Heading over to the lake, they spotted people coming off the ship.

The group consisted of a young man wearing a strawhat, an orangette, a raven haired woman older than her, a man with a long nose, a green haired man with three swords, a man with blonde hair and a goatee, a small.....raccoon dog, wait it had antlers..... its a reindeer, a large man with robotic arms and -----was that a living skeleton?!

But the last person they noticed had pure white hair, purple-blue eyes, and  she had a strange squirrel on her shoulder. She was walking alongside the man they assume to be the captain.

Then the boy with the strawhat spotted them.

"Hey! Excuse me!" He waved his hands.

"Ah! He's spotted us!" Omi said as he took a battle pose.

"Halt, pirate! You are trespassing on the grounds of the Xiaolin Temple! State your busyness!" He said.

"Um, don't you mean buisness?" The white haired girl asked.

"I just have one question..................is there a restaurant around here?" The strawhat asked.


"What kind of a question is that?!" Dojo asked.

"Guess yall don't want trouble..." Clay said. 

Cool! I'm Luffy! Captain of the Strawhat Pirates!" Luffy grinned.

"Nozumusachi Yukiko, crew's agriculturalist and Beast master."

"Hm. Zoro, swordsman."

"Usopp, the ship sniper!"

"I'm Chopper, the ship's doctor!"

"Nami, the navigator."

"Robin, archeologist."

"Super! The name's Franky, the shipwright!"

"Sanji, cook."

"Yohohoho! I'm 'Dead Bones' Brook, crew's musician!"

Though Raimundo got smooth as he walked to Yukiko.

"Hey, welcome to Xiaolin Temple-" but Luffy got up in his grill with a frown. "Hey, she's already mine, find your own beast tamer!" Luffy said.

Kimiko giggled. "Struck out before he could pitch."

"As one may say, another swing, another pass." Omi laughed.

"Another miss." Clay corrected.

After a while, the crew found themselves at the Xiaolin Temple watching the monks train, and even chat with them.

Omi kinda stayed away from Yukiko as she had a squirrel on her shoulder.

As the crew was chatting, an explosion happened.

They saw some goth kid attack with robots and a ghost lady.

As he went off into a rant, Luffy turned to Omi.

"Is he a friend?"

"No, that's Jack Spicer, and Wuya, they are our enemies!" Omi said in a Battle pose.

At that, Luffy went into action.

"Gum Gum.......Pistol!" Luffy said punching Jack in the face.

"What the.....did that guy's arm just stretch?!"

"I wish I was kidding." Wuya said.

"Alright, better get serious everyone." Yukiko smiled as she created a Sapphire weapon. "Sapphire Arrow!" She said as she took down a couple of bots.

Pachi got some taken down with Thunder attacks.

All the other crewmembers attacked in their own styles as well, destroying the robots.

Jack, seeing the raid was going bad had to retreat.

"So much for a raid. But now they got some back up." Jack said once they arrived home "However, none of them used a single Wu."

"That's right. They are certainly powerful. We'll need a team effort for this." Wuya said.
Part 1 done! I'm trying to do 5 parts and I'm gonna do something interesting.

Next part will involve a meeting of villains! And the Xiaolin Dragons will learn of the Pirate world and Pokémon world.

Need scenarios plz comment!

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