Vs Wapol!

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Wapol laughed as he arrived to his castle.

"At last, I have returned! Now we can restore the Drum Kingdom!"

"Sire, there's something atop the castle!" One of his subjects said.

Wapol looked and spotted a flag. It was a jolly roger with sakura petals.

"What is that doing up there? Where is the flag of the Drum Kingdom?!" Wapol yelled in anger.

Kureha and Chopper in his deer form appeared. Kureha cackled.
"That old thing? I burned it!"

"Ah Dr Kureha, the last survivor of my doctor hunt. Get out of my castle!" Wapol yelled.

"This ain't your castle anymore, you jumped ship like a coward after pirates attacked it! It saw enough misery and corruption during your reign. Not just here, the country too!" Kureha yelled.

Wapol then smirked. "Well then-"

But he was interrupted by Luffy.

Not before Yukiko gave him a coat and he gave her his hat to guard.

"Out of the way! This guy is mine!" Luffy shouted. "Gum-Gum...Pistol!" He said hitting Wapol with full force and almost knocking him off the mountain if it weren't for Chess and Marimo catching him by his feet.

"That was close..." Chess said.

Yukiko appeared behind the surprised  doctors and smiled.

"Don't worry, I know he can take care of Wapol." She said.

"I'm really sick of you guys. You even gave us trouble before we got to the island. And we had to get sick people here. But now.............you guys are so gonna get it!" Luffy said as he recalled being attacked by the goons but he was more furious of what Wapol was doing to Yukiko. But he's now happy to beat him up for it now.

"So you ran afoul of Wapol?" Kureha asked Yukiko.

"Yeah, before we even got to the island, he said he wanted me to be his queen of all things. I'm surprised I didn't throw up from that claim. Luffy was actually the most mad at that remark. Sent the hippo flying off our ship." Yukiko smiled.

"You? As his queen? Just when I thought he couldn't sink any lower." Kureha remarked. "Your boyfriend did that?"

Yukiko blinked. "Wha? Hey, we aren't a couple!" She blushed. "Anyway, we should focus on getting rid of him for good." Yukiko said finishing the conversation.

"Fine by me." Kureha smirked.

As Wapol spotted Yukiko, he yelled. "Ah! The young maiden! Have you finally accepted my request to-ack!" Luffy had punched him again.

"Yukiko ain't gonna be your queen! She's part of my crew, ya hear?!"

Wapol growled. "In that case, I'll have to take you down to get her then. Chess! What did I have earlier?"

"A part of a ship, two houses and some cannons."

"Alright, I'll show you the power of the Munch Munch Fruit. Transformation, Munch Munch Factory!" Wapol said as he turned into a house.

Although he ate Chess and Marimo to create Chessmarimo to fight, he would not stand a chance against Chopper and Bambi.

Chopper with the Power of the Rumble Ball, and Bambi with his psychic abilities.

"Found his weakness, his chin!" Chopper said.

"Alright, Bambi Giga Impact!"

"Hoofprint Roseo!"

The two reindeers attacked with a combined finisher with their hoofs on the opponent's chin, knocking Chessmarimo out.

"Whoo hoo! Yukiko, Bambi, Chopper! You guys were amazing!" Luffy cheered as Chopper blushed.

"Thanks Luffy, but what about Wapol?" Yukiko pointed out.

"Huh? Wait? Where did he go!?" Luffy looked around.

"Go after him. You did say you'd kick his backside, right?" Yukiko asked with a smile.

"Got it." Luffy smiled before going into the castle.

Yukiko, Pachi, and Bambi stayed behind with Chopper.

"Um, Yukiko?" Chopper asked.


"That strawhat.......he called me his friend....."

"Of course he did. He fights for those he cares about. And he did it to protect this place. Hiluk's grave." Yukiko smiled.

Bambi nudged Chopper with a friendly smile and Pachi chirped from Yukiko's shoulder too.

Then then see something up on the tower.

Wapol was blasted up into a tower in pain and Luffy was about to deliver one last attack.

"Doctorine." Chopper said

"Yeah. This long nightmare is finally reaching an end." Kureha smirked.

"It's end."

"Yeah. Drum Kingdom is..............about to fall."



"Aaaaaaaaaah! How about I make you vice-king?!"


And with that, Wapol was sent flying away, gone for good.

Kureha cackled. "To think, the kingdom of Drum was defeated by the skull and crossbones."

Yukiko smiled.

Then she heard people arriving.

It was Zoro and Usopp. The latter was hiding behind the former.


"Yukiko. You good?" Zoro asked.

"Yeah the others are alright too. You missed the action though."

"So that Wapol guy is gone?" Usopp asked.

"Yeah, Luffy-"

Then the next thing she knew, Luffy tackled Zoro thinking he was one of Wapol's soldiers.

"Oops. Sorry Zoro. I thought you were one of Big month's goons coming for a fight." Luffy said. "Though, Usopp, what are you doing here?"

As Usopp was making up one of his stories, Vivi arrived. "Luffy, Yukiko. Are the others?"

"They're just fine." Luffy smiled.

"Nami got a cure from Doctorine. She's gonna make it." Yukiko reassured her friend.

Vivi smiled.

Then Dalton appeared and heard that Wapol was gone, and that two reindeer beat his two henchmen.

But as Luffy was chasing Chopper he decided to have the reindeer as his new nakama.

Yukiko smiled at this.
Night had fallen as Luffy still was looking for Chopper and in the end seeing that Luffy didn't care that Chopper was weird. He wanted him to join his crew.

And although Kureha had chased Chopper and the gang took off on a sled.

A miracle happened.

Kureha had people blast something into the air, making the snow bright pink, giving the display of sakura.

Chopper cried as his father's last wish was complete. The country got to see sakura in a winter island.

Yukiko smiled as she saw the sakura snow.

"Amazing." Then she looked over at Luffy. "We never had a snow display like this at home. Isn't it beautiful?"

Pink dusted Luffy's cheeks but he smiled. "Yeah."

'But not as pretty as her smile..............why did I think that? Ah, but her smile is nice.........'
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