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After the initial introduction between the mermaid Caimie and the talking orange starfish, Pappagg, they needed help rescuing a friend, Hachi who makes takoyaki.

"Hello, Hachi?" Caimie spoke into a tiny DenDen Mushi. "This is Caimie! Sorry I got kinda lost. Where are you right now?"

"Oh, that voice must be Caimie, right?" a strange voice laughed.


"Do you know who're you talking to? This ain't Hachi, y'know.!"


"This is Makuro! From the simple-minded Makuro crew!......Wait, I shouldn't say that of myself..."

"Seems like trouble..." Robin commented.

"Why do you guys have Hachi's DenDen Mushi?" Caimie demanded.

The voice laughed. "'Cause we beat up Hachi! Isn't that obvious?"

"Liar! There's no way Hachi would lose to you guys!"

"Yeah, you have a point. Usually we'd be no match for him, but this time, we had the Flying Fish Riders on our side!"

The voice on the DenDen Mushi then changed. "Nyuu... Caimie, you're still alright? Thank goodness."

"H- Hachi! Did they really beat you!"

"Nyuu, sorry... I let my guard down. Listen! Don't come here! I'll take these guys out and come straight back! It'll be fine!"


The voice on the DenDen Mushi changed again. "Y'know, Caimie, we're just about to sell this guy. Octopus Fishmen are pretty rare, so he should fetch us quite the price. Feel free to come and save him! We're close to the Sabaody Archipelago, in the waters five kilometres east of Grove 44. This is where the Flying Fish Riders' base is!"

"Nyuu! No! Caimie! Don't come here!"

"Shut up, you damn octopus!" a sound of blunt impact could be heard. "See ya..." the call ominously ended.

"Hachi..." Caimie bowed her head in sorrow.

"O- Oi..."

"Caimie..." Yukiko said with a sad look

Luffy still seemed as oblivious as ever. "So, where's the takoyaki?"

He received a kick and a punch to the head from Sanji and Franky respectively. "This isn't the time for that!"

"That voice seems familiar..." Nami mused. "It seemed kinda familiar... It's just my imagination, right? There's no way..."

"Sorry, Luffy," Caimie was apologising. "Can we do takoyaki later? I've got to go save my friend!"

"Heh...?" Luffy complained.

"Hey!" he was promptly punched and kicked in the head.

"Wait, Caimie," Nami answered. "I know we shouldn't be meddling here, but if you want to save your friend, then we'll help you! No, that's wrong! I mean, they'll help you!"

"Hey! Why, you...!" Usopp and Franky complained.

"And in exchange, can you show us how get to Fishman Island?" Nami ignored both of them.

"Really, Nami?" Caimie exclaimed.

"Of course! Right, Luffy?"

"Huh? Sure." Luffy answered, confused.

"You're gonna help me save Hachi, Luffy?"

"Well, I'm fine with it," Luffy shrugged. "But, who is this Hachi anyway?"

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