Under the Sea pt 1

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As we dropped into the water, I couldn't help but look around at the scenery we were getting – the kind that was rarely seen, if at all by the people on the Grand Line.

Large, majestic roots from the mangrove trees descended into the darkness – probably straight down into the ocean floor. Sunlight filtered in through the waves above, and there were crowds of fish of all kinds flitted about all over the place.

"The surface is quite far up already," Robin said in awe from one side of the deck.

"It's amazing. Not even the underwater tunnel has this kind of view." Yukiko said.

"We're sinking and sinking!" Chopper exclaimed. "I can't stop worrying about flooding!"

"Feels like we're leaving the inhabited world," Nami said, looking up at the ceiling. "It makes me nervous!"

"C-c-can we go back on the surface again for sure?" Usopp asked nervously.

"We're gonna be fine, Usopp," Yukiko replied, looking over at him as Luffy looked up in awe. "Ray-san knew what he was doing, and we know where we're going. All we have to do is get through the currents and get down to Fishman Island and we'll be fine!"

"It's beautiful down here!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Look at that!" Brook was over on the other side of the deck, looking at the roots that were extending down from the archipelago we'd just left behind at the surface.

Luffy and Yukiko scrambled over to Brook's side of the deck. "Trees…no, roots!"

"They must go thousands of meters deep!" Yukiko said.

"Oh, yeah!" Sanji recalled. "We forgot, Sabaody Archipelago consists of giant mangroves!"

"So this is the beauty of nature!" Brook called. "I'm so surprised – my eyes could pop out!" He paused. "I don't have eyes, though!"

Yukiko laughed at Brook's exclamation. "Yeah, it really is cool, isn't it? Everywhere we turn, there's another awesome part of nature that's just waiting to be discovered so that we can be surprised and awed by it."

"It's amazing. I can't believe these roots are running down to the ocean floor," Robin commented. "They're enormous and magnificent!"

I hummed and nodded a little in agreement as I pulled myself back out of my memories.

"H-hey, there's something behind that tree!"

I turned my head at Usopp's statement right as Chopper let out a yell in surprise.

"Wow, it's huge!"

My eyebrows shot up when I saw the large, scaly form of a fish swimming past us. "Whoa! He looks like he could rival Kyogre in size!"

"Eeh? Kyogre?" Usopp looked at me in confusion.

"One of my legendary Pokémon he can control how much rain falls," I explained. "But he can also flood the world, but, that's never gonna happen."

"How exciting! An underwater adventure! It's like a dream come true!" Luffy marveled. "Oh, fish! I think I can catch them!"

"Hold it!" Yukiko grabbed him by the cardigan. " I brought lots of food from my homeworld, and I also checked my greenhouse, we actually have lots of crops."

"Oh yeah, thanks Yukiko." He smiled as Yukiko got her stuff ready to serve everyone.

"All right, everyone! Listen—" Nami started to speak......

And Sanji shot up on a nosebleed rocket, screaming about a "real, beautiful woman."

But Yukiko got Tapu Fini to grab him and bring him down.

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