One Piece x BNHA pt 22

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There were a lot of things that Toshinori knew he shouldn't be afraid of. But he did.

One was mainly his mentor, Gran Torino. Athough he is retired, he still has a lot of fight left in him, and can pack a mean punch.

The second was mainly losing One for All, as it was entrusted to him to protect for his late mentor and to then teach Midoriya to use it. But he knew he had to retire soon.

But those became eclipsed with the arrival of the Strawhats and then Luffy's grandparents.

They were a whole brand of danger, even on their own. Especially Luffy and his grandparents.

Garp and Rosetta basically destroyed the best heroes in Japan, even sending Endeavor flying to Hokkaido, and Rosetta said she didn't even use her Haki either!

It shows they were that strong.

Then, when he learned how Luffy and Ace were trained by Garp...........he felt relieved that Torino did not put him through that stuff! And that Garp and Rosetta would not train the kids either......

Then he remembered that he promised to have a duel with Luffy before the students returned. 

At least he recovered from his 'training' with the Strawhats. But that was just a warm-up.

Luffy will fight seriously this time...


The next day, All Might was in Area Beta for the fight as Luffy was ready too.

"Alright All Night! I've been itching for this! You ready?"


Up in a spectator area, the staff were watching all nervous. If Luffy was just holding back before, how would this turn out?

The crew was there as they wanted to see this fight.

"You sure you want to see your husband get beat up Yukiko?" Midnight asked the whitette.

Yukiko giggled. "No its not my husband who'll lose. I know cause he beat a lot of big names back in Oceania.

Alvida the Iron Mace worth 5,000,000 berries.
Buggy the Bombastic Clown worth 3,189,000,000
Kuro of A Thousand Plans worth 16,000,000
Don Krieg the Pirate Commadore worth 17,000,000
Sawtooth Arlong worth 20,000,000
Wapol the Former Tyrant King of Drum Kingdom
Crocodile worth 80,000,000
Enel worth 500,000,000
Lucci of CP9
Moria of Thriller Bark worth 320,000,000
Hody Jones
Ceaser Clown worth 300,000,000
Doflamingo worth 340,000,000
Charolette Cracker worth 860,000,000
Charolette Katakuri worth 1,057,000,000
Kaido the Supreme Commander of the Beast Pirates worth 4,611,100,000.

I'd say All Might may be biting off more than he can chew." Yukiko giggled making the staff uneasy.
"Begin!" A voice yelled from somewhere and Luffy quickly took the initiative.

"All right, Young Luffy! No holding back!" All-Might said as he cocked his fist back. "California Smash!"

All-Might hit the air so hard that multiple buildings started to crack, the broken glass disintegrated, cracked concrete evaporated, and lampposts bent. But Luffy had leapt into the air. "Gear Third: Armament!" He said as his fist inflated and was covered in Armament Haki. "Gomu Gomu no.........Elephant Gatling Gun!" And his fist went wildly to hit All Might.

All Might dodged the fist three times, but was unlucky on the rest.

'Ack! That felt like I was hit by a wrecking ball!' He thought.

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