munky (james shaffer) - dinner date

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james (for the sake of my sanity I will be referring to him as james) takes y/n out to a little dinner date! idk, running out of ideas lol.
y/n - ur name
1993 (?)

I twirled the phone cord in my hand, leaning against the door frame.

"Hun, he's apart of a band. There is no way he's not gonna cheat on you." My mom's worried voice sounded from the phone. I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, james would never do that. He's kinda slow." I laugh a little at the last part.

"Stupid men do stupid things which end up in someone like you getting hurt." My mom's voice persisted.

"Mooom." I dragged out my word.

"Y/nnnnnn." She mocked me.

I sighed and looked at the clock.

3:45, james is going to be home any minute from practice. I thought to myself.

"I'm hoping you guys didn't move in together. It's too early for that."

I stood there for a moment, deciding how to break the news to her.

"Y/n?" My mom's voice sounded alarmed now.

"You didn't move in together, did you?"

"Uhm.. listen mom, I'm an adult now. I can decide what's best for me. And right now, hanging up this call sounds great. Bye mom!" I quickly slammed the phone into its holder just as the front door opened.

"Y/n? Was that you?" James' voice sounded.

I walked to the living room of my apartment and hugged him, sighing.

"My mom is so annoying, james." I said, feeling drained.

His arm linked around my back as he replied with,

"Mm, what happened?"

"She thinks you're out cheating on me all the time because you're in a band, and she thinks i can't decide what to do with my adult life."

"Controlling, huh?"

"Tell me about it." I sighed and sat down on the couch, james sitting next to me.

"How was practice?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Tiring. We got a gig coming up though. Jon's excited."

I liked jon a lot. He was really sweet to everyone and a cool guy.

"Mm, that's nice." I replied, closing my eyes.

I'm exhausted.

"Listen, baby. How would you feel about going out to dinner? I know how stressed you are lately; just forget about it for a little. We can go out to a nice restaurant that's not Olive Garden. Don't worry about the bill."

I opened my eyes again to find an eager james looking expectantly at me. I smiled.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. What time should we go?" I picked his hand up and started to trail my fingers on his palm.

"Maybe around 4:30?" James grinned at me.

I nodded and smiled back.

"I'll go get ready." I got up from the couch before getting dragged right back down.

James kissed me quickly before letting me go again.

"You're so stupid." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him before going to get ready.


I had some makeup on and a black skirt that might have been a little too short, with a tight gray long sleeve shirt. I didn't bother to do my hair because i didn't have the energy to spend on it. I would just end up getting frustrated anyways and start crying. (definitely not describing me!)

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