going to 711 with nirvana

188 4 18

it's quite the adventure
dave, kurt, and krist
y/n - ur name
enjoy 😣

I'm craving a slurpee and seven eleven is just down the street. But, i have a silly little problem.

I look over to my right as a cheese ball gets thrown at me and lands on my bed.

Kurt and dave bust out laughing, practically folded in half.

"That was- oh my god- i can't breathe!" Dave wheezes.

"How the hell is that so funny to you?" I glare at him.

I have a couple of my friends over- who happen to be Nirvana- and they're assholes. No way in hell i want them to come with me to sev, but, no way in hell i want them alone in my room. They'll end up snooping and finding a diary from like eighth grade and then blackmail me.

"No one knows." Krist rolls his eyes as he watches tv and munches on some pretzels.

"When are you guys leaving?" I ask as i glance at my watch.

4:38 pm.

"Uhhh, i dunno." Kurt replies, still in a giggle fit with dave.

I don't think I've seen him laugh this much ever.

"Why?" Dave raises an eyebrow mischievously.

"Ouhhh, someone's finally got a date!" Kurt nudges Dave in the side, to which he grins at me.

"Oh fuck you! I just want you guys gone so i can go to 711." I roll my eyes, falling onto my bed with a sigh.

"Sev? You wanna kick us out just so you can go to sev?" I can almost hear Dave's grin.

"Yeah, and?"

"No way, we're coming with." Kurt says.

"Absolutely not. What if you get recognized from someone?" I point out, hoping they will say no then.

"Eh, you'll shoo them away with your scary face." Kurt grins.

"Okay, wow. Fuck you too!" I sigh and get up off my bed, putting my shoes on.

"I'm gonna get a big gulp and a bag of mnms and a coke and some cheez-its. You're paying for this, y/n, right?" Dave looks up at me, a shit eating grin on his face.

I glare at him.

"Are we going now?" I look over to Krist who was quietly watching the whole time.

"Yeah, sure." Krist gets up and then we all head out my front door.


Finally, after two fans spotting Nirvana out and about, as well as almost getting in a car crash because of one, we found our way to 711. It honestly looked like heaven after all of that, even in its run down, moldy, dirty brick and drug dealer glory.

We all walk inside and i head to the slurpee section, grabbing a large. Krist wonders off to most likely the candy isle, and Dave as well as Kurt grab a big gulp for the slurpees.

"So, who's payin'" Dave turns to me.

"You're the rich ones, not me." I say with a snarky smile, grabbing each flavor of slurpee.

"Wow, so you're treating us like a charity case? Ouch." Kurt puts his hand over his chest dramatically.

"Exactly." I smile.

"You're getting every flavor? That's disgusting." Dave comments as he sees me put a lid on my drink.

"It's all going to the same place anyway."

"Ew! You're supposed to be a girl, what the hell!" Dave and Kurt walk away with Kurt snickering.

I roll my eyes and go to the candy isle, looking for something new.

"Watcha lookin' for?" Krist comes from out of nowhere and scares me half to death.

"Jesus christ!" I breathe out, feeling like i just got a free heart attack.


For someone's who's fucking giant, he sure is quiet.

"I'm just lookin' around, not sure what to get yet." I finally reply, noticing some mike n ikes.

I grab those, and turn to krist.

"These work i guess." I smile slightly.

I walk up to the counter and put my stuff down, waiting for the other boys to come up.

Finally, they come up with probably enough shit to give a kid diabetes just by looking at it.

"Good god, (korn reference?!?!) you're gonna eat all of that?" I look at the two in utter disbelief.

"Yeah, and?" Dave jokingly glances at me up and down.

"So, y/n, uh, about paying, huh?" Kurt grins at me.

"Absolutely not." I cross my arms.

"Hmm, but please-"

"No. I'm the broke one here, not yall."

"The total is $57.96. Would that be cash or check?" The cashier interrupts us out of our mini argument.

"Almost $60? That's crazy." I laugh.

"Fuck you, y/n!" Dave gave me the middle finger and turned to the man.

"Cash." He said, handing the guy a 50 dollar bill along with a 10.

Dave grabbed the change as we all grabbed our diabetes worth of shit together.

We walked out of the sev, the bell ringing as the door closed behind us.

"I stole probably like five bags of candy." Kurt said nonchalantly.

"You did what?!"


Hi! Sorry for the short chapter, i wasn't really feeling writing but yk, gotta pump this shit out. 😞🙏 ANYWAYS i will do that twisted sister one!!!! i am really dreading it if im gonna be honest because i have no prior knowledge of that band other then my dad yapping about it once 😭😭 so yea! eventually it will get done, by the end of this month at least, lol. ok bye

- jenny 😉

word count - 914

word count - 914

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