joey jordison - fuck this party

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y/n gets invited to a party with a bunch of people, at the party she runs into her bully, joey, then she kinda just drinks a lot and then all the sudden joey is like being an actually decent person woah that's crazy for real ⁉️🤔
requested 🥳
y/n - your name 😋

I just got invited by the popular girl of my grade, Steph, to a party. She said it was going to be a small party, so I could dress casually, but to be honest, I highly doubt that. She's the type of person to invite a hundred people then say to bring a plus one.

It's a Friday night in late October, so it's gonna be chilly out. I go through each of my shirts and groan.

"I can't fucking find anything good, fuck!" I back up and fall onto my bed.

"Should I wear a dress? What if some creep hits on me. Ughhhhh.." I rub my face and sigh into my hands. A dress would probably be the best option. It's a party after all.

I get up and kneel down in my closet to a shelf I have a little above the floor. The shelf has a bunch of my dad's old shirts that I stole from him, sheets and pillow cases, as well as two dresses.

I grab one of the dresses. My eighth grade dance dress that I never donated. It's around knee length, black, and has lace lining the chest and ends of the dress. Too small for me though.

I grab the other one. It's my sophomore year dance dress. Clearly I never wore dresses. It's the same sorta style as my other one, but it was shorter and made of silk. Lace still lined the chest area and end of the dress. I definitely have a style.

I threw it onto my bed and messed around in my closest, attempting to look for a pair of tights. I grabbed a pair of plain black ones and chucked them onto my bed as well.

Finally, shoes.

"No way in hell I'm wearing heels, I'm walking to there and back." So, I grabbed my pair of black high top vans. I'm gonna look like I'm going to a funeral but whatever.

I changed into the dress and tights, then looked at myself in the mirror.

"Damn, y/n. I look good." I catcalled myself. Smiling, I slipped my feet into my shoes.

I had already done my hair and some light makeup, so I was ready to go.

Spraying some light perfume on myself, I left my house and began to walk to Steph's.


I bounded up the steps and knocked on the door. I could hear some people inside as well as music blaring through some cheap speakers.

The door opened and Steph greeted me.

"Ohhh wowwww~ y/n you look so good! Different from your usual homeless fashion." Steph held a red solo cup in her right hand and she grinned at me.

"Oh, uhm, thanks?" I simply smiled at her before walking in. Sure enough, there was probably a million people in here. Weed, beer, vodka, and anything else a party could smell like wafted throughout the house. I'm surprised a cop hasn't knocked on the door yet.

"Hey, y/n!" I heard someone call me, so I spun around.

"Oh, Jason! Hey!" Jason and I have been pretty good friends since seventh grade. We even dated for like a week before we both broke it off, being way better as friends than lovers.

"I didn't think you would actually come to a party! What changed your mind? You usually hate them." He smiled at me.

"I needed to get out of the house, that's all."

"Hm, well, just to let you know, I think Joey and a bunch of his friends are here. I think they're outside by the pit."

I groaned.

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