jonathan davis part 2 :p

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part two to the other one before this !1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1 yeah ermmmm read the story 😓😓😓🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍👍
y/n - yOuR nAmE 😡😡😡
enjoy 😉

I woke up at 7:09 am. So much for trying to sleep in. Whatever.

Alyssa is still asleep and I don't feel like making any noise and waking her up. She'd probably get all pissy anyway. I would too if I was woken up by someone making noise in my room.

Rubbing my eyes, I turned over to face the door. I accidentally left it a crack open last night in my daze from just getting kissed, to being rejected at the same time, then going to bed.

Right. I was kissed like three hours ago. How could I forget?

I heard some soft whispering- or mumbling, I couldn't make out what the person was saying- from out in the hallway. It sounded like Jon, maybe? I'm surprised he's still up.

" blind.." Was all I could make out.

Is he.. singing? I mean, I shouldn't be surprised. I think he's looking to start a band soon..

"Mgghh.. is that jon..?" Alyssa asked, her voice sounding tired.

"I think so." I yawned.

"Always singing something." She rolled over and sat up.

"He wants to start a band, right?" I sat up as well, staring at Alyssa. She nodded and stretched.

"Yeah, wants to name it something like corn, but instead of a c he wants it to be a k. Someone's gonna think he's mentally challenged because he spelled it wrong, but whatever." I chuckled a bit at that.

"...that clouds my mind.." He sung another sentence. Or half of one anyways.

"He doesn't have a bad voice." I commented as I gazed at the door.

"No, but it's annoying when you hear it constantly." Alyssa shrugged.

It's still not bad..

Alyssa got off from her bed and left the room to go to the bathroom. I sat on my blanket and stared at the door still. Jon had stopped singing. Or speaking, whatever he was doing. Maybe it was slam poetry, I don't know.

I'm hungry, I wonder if they have pancakes.

Getting up, I made my way down to the kitchen to see if they did have pancakes. Passing Jons door, it was closed and there was no sound. Maybe he heard us talking.

I got into the kitchen and immediately raided the cabinets for pancake mix. Alyssa met me downstairs.

"Whatcha lookin' for, y/n?" She stood behind me.

"You guys got pancakes?"

"Nah, we never have them to be honest." I gave a glare to her.

"Damn you."

"We could go to ihop and get some if you want. I have like 50 bucks in my wallet right now." She suggested. I smiled and nodded.

"Alright, let me go get some makeup and actual clothes on." She ran back up the stairs and left me in the kitchen.

Maybe I should talk to jon..

I sighed. Why did he even do what he did last night if he knew it would be a 'mistake.' What even got into him in the first place to make him do that. So many questions and no answers unless I talk to him.

Groaning, I slowly trudged up the steps.

Finally, I was right outside of his room. The smell of weed wafted out of the cracks in between the frame and the door.

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