Lars Ulrich - yo, thats my band 🤯

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Your at a record store, buying some new rock and metal shit, when u pick up a Metallica, 'Kill em all' vinyl, and out pops Larzie poo to tell ya, "yooo bud that's like my band holy shit"
Y/n - your name
Y/e/c - your eye color
Enjoy this shitty one shot 🤯🤯

I got dumped by my boyfriend earlier today. Seriously, that fucking bastard came over my house, JUST to tell me, 'yo like I don't like you anymore and I'm like cheating on you and shit soo.. yeah bye!"

He didn't even bother walking in my house, he just stood at the door.

"Fuck you." Were the final words I said to him, then I slammed my door shut. I stood there, catching my breath for a moment, and letting it go through my head what just happened.

"What the fuck." I said out loud to no one in particular. I leaned against the door, and slid down to the floor.

"Did he actually just.." Yep. He did. I answered my own question.

So, to cheer myself up I guess, -even though I wasn't too mad about the situation, he was a dick anyway,- i grabbed my car keys, and hopped in the car. I started to drive to my nearest record store.

I parked in front of the store, and got out.

Music, please save my sanity.

I opened the door, and was greeted by the cashier.

"Hey! Welcome to junk records." (Idk if that's like an actual place so uh if it is that's mb)

I smiled slightly at the guy, and walked over to the rock/heavy metal section. Honestly, I don't even know what I'm looking for in particular.

Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, exodus... is there anything new? I have all of these already.

I turn around and see a pile of vinyls stacked by a window. I walk over and pick the first one I see up.

It's called 'Kill Em All' and has a sticker that reads 'new' on it. By a new band called Metallica.


I hear the stores door open, and a bell rings. I pay no attention, and read the songs on the back.

Seek and Destroy? That sounds sick.

Suddenly, a person from behind starts speaking.

"Cool album, huh?" I jump up, scared half to fucking death.

"Jesus fucking Christ! Don't sneak up on people like that!" I say as I clutch my chest.

Damn near gave me a fucking heart attack, Jesus.

The guy just smiles and laughs a little.

"My bad." He says with an accent I haven't heard before. He has long brown hair that sorta flips up in certain places.

Wow his hair is gorgeous..

I smile nervously, and am about to walk away before he speaks again.

"Uhm, have you ever heard of Metallica before?" The brunette asks me. I shake my head.

"I uh, just wanted to listen to some new music.." i say nervously. I always get nervous around literally anyone. Dunno why, but it's really fucking annoying.

"Cool, well uhm, I'm the drummer for Metallica actually." He says as he scratches the back of his head, and sorta looks away. I stare at him, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Seriously?" I question. I mean, why would he even be here? It's a random record store in the middle of cali, and he just so happens to waltz in and talk to me?

"Uh yeah, I'm Lars Ulrich. Should say my name on the back or something." Lars says as he points to the record I'm holding. I look down and sure enough, it does. Along with three other names, James Hetfield, Cliff Burton, and Dave Mustaine. (I dont own the record and i couldn't find if Dave is credited on there or Kirk, but I'm just gonna guess it's mustaine. 😭😭)

"Cool." I whisper, sorta in a trance. I look back up and accidentally make eye contact with him directly. His green eyes stare at my y/e/c for a moment, before we both look away. My face flushes red a little, and I stare at the ground.

"Cool to uhm, meet a fan i guess." Lars shrugs as I look back up to him.


I'm definitely making this situation more awkward.

"Uhm well, I'm gonna go pay now. Uhm, yeah.."

As if my nervousness wasn't apparent enough, now I have to say uhm every two seconds. Great.

"Oh yeah, of course. Sorry to uh, hold you up." He says and steps back a bit.

"Oh, nonono, it's fine! You weren't holding me up! I don't really have any plans, haha. I mean, I thought I would today, but then my boyfriend kinda dumped me this morning, so that was pretty shitty. But uhm yeah no it's fine hah.." I blurt out quickly, and immediately regret it. He looks at me for a second, then smiles.

"No plans?" He says, his smile not wiping off.

He has a pretty smile..

"Uhm.. no.." I respond, raising my eyebrow.

"Could I change that? Maybe we could listen to the record together?" He says slyly. I freeze for a moment.

Did he just.. yes he did.

"Uhm, I mean I wouldn't wanna bother you... You probably have like, music-y stuff to do." I scuff my vans on the floor, and stare at them. They're painfully bright right now..

"It's not a bother. I could introduce you to my band. I'm sure they'd love to meet a fan." I gaze back up at him, and smile.

His damn smile is so contagious...

"...yeah sure. Why not. I don't have anything else to do." I smile at him again, and walk up to the counter to pay. He follows behind me, and stands there as I pay.

I grab my vinyl back, and walk out the store, Lars following behind me.

Am I actually going to this guys house? Jesus Christ, y/n..

I chuckle to myself a bit.

"Do you have a car?" He asks me while blocking the sun from his face with his hand.

"Yeah, do you?"

"Yeah but I kinda just walked here. I was really focking bored and wanted to check out some stores down town, y'know?" Lars says with a shrug. I laugh a little at the way he says 'fuck'.

"What's so funny?" His green eyes stare back at me, and I laugh again.

"Sorry, it's just your accent. The way you said fucking was a little silly." I smile innocently at him.

"Wow, are you making fun of me because I'm Danish? Ouch." He says dramatically.

"Danish? Are you from Denmark?" He nods and smiles.

"Danish through and through." He reply's smugly. I roll my eyes.

"Hop in my car." I say as I open my car door and get it. He chuckled a bit and does the same.

"Your gonna be one of the luckiest people ever. Meeting Metallica is a pretty big focking deal if you ask me." He says as he puts his seatbelt on. I start the car and glance at him.

"I haven't even heard of you guys until you popped up out of no where." I start to drive out of the parking lot.

"That's cause we're so focking awesome, we don't need an introduction."


And with that I'm done because it's almost 2 am and I'm tired and I don't feel like writing anymore sooo, suck it. Comment or vote for a part two ig.

- jenny 😉

Word count - 1250

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