Chapter 4 Ten/Ten

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Catnap Vs Angel Team


ngel went back to the safe room. They were hoping maybe their friends are alive. However no one was there but no signs of a struggle so they probably escape. They quickly get to work perhap they find a safer location so they had back to the red smoke room. This is it, the final obstacle so they can escape. They saw the blue battery holder. "There it is! Now time to end this." Angel walk up to it but before they put it in the holder. Red smoke came out of the door and Catnap walk out. "Oh fuck!!!" Angel drop the large battery and run away from Catnap. There is an elevator up ahead so they took it and press the button. The room fill by the red smoke. Angel is about to use the gas mask but it's destroyed. "Shit!!!" Now they have inhale the gas. Angel look back into the misty fog of red smoke. "Where the hell is he?!"

Then he show up to Angel but his appearance is different. He was more disturbing than before, his body is all thin and bones. A long tail, big opening mouth, and his body is moving with faces press against it. It's like there are people inside of his body trying to escape. When the elevator start to move and Catnap climb on the wall. Now the real battle begins between a monster and a human. Once the elevator reach its destination to the upper floor, they quickly run all the way back to a dead end. "How the hell am I gonna fight him?" Angel knew their harpoon handgun won't do anything to Catnap. However there's a text coming from a computer. "Huh? It's me Ollie! I can help you but first you need to put batteries on so I can charge up you're green hand! It might take sometimes so please be prepared!" Angel nodded. Now the fight start as they get ready. They get to work by putting some batteries on different holders. They use a flare gun, saw four ways Catnap gets in. If they can use one of the battery charge on others, the pipe might burn Catnap with the stream. They can't fight him up close but they can hurt Catnap with hot steam.

Catnap let out a loud roar, Angel saw him from the end of the hallway. "I see you basterd. You want to fight? Let's fight!" Angel saw the red smoke made it harder to see. The smoker went more thicker than before. They can't see a thing but they saw a shadow figure going up to them and they fire a flare to it. It was an illusion, Angel knew the side effect of the red smoke is getting to them. Making them see things that aren't real. Angel quickly make sure it doesn't happen and they saw another Catnap walk up to them. Angel quickly get up to the platform and use battery charger on the wall then activate the pipe. The pipe burst put a hot steam on Catnap face. He shrieks a painful howl and back off. Angel now get the purpose so back into doing the same process again and again. They were close calls were Angel also got kill by Catnap as he almost reach them. Sometime Catnap use the vent to catch Angel off guard by using door ceiling. Angel is done running so they are more focuse and close the hatch door closed. The bar of the battery charge is slowly going up to 67%

"Almost there! If I get a chance to 100% I might kill him with green hand." Angel hear small growling. It's the little critters who follow Catnap bidding and ready to kill them. "You fucks again!" Angel use their flare at them. The flare ammo went 6 to 1. Angel use it too recklessly which cause the charge go very slow. "Fuck! I use it too much!" The little monsters are marching to Angel. There's no way Angel can beat them by themselves. They were about to be eaten by the little critters until one Jump at them. But it got slam by a large metal pipe as it flew away. "Huh?" Angel turn left and saw Dogday holding a thin metal pipe. "Dogday!" Angel is surprise and he's stand up with his two legs. "Sorry took me long to get up here. The others are safe but I want to help you like you help me and my friends."

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