The Party Pt. 2

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Sabrina, Jess and Rory all walked into the kitchen. They saw a group of boys all standing around the keg.

"Hey. What's up with you guys?" Jess asked

"Stupid keg." Kyle said

"It's not working." Another boy complains

"Where's the tap?" Jess asked

"The what?" Kyle said confused

"It's a keg, it's sealed. You need to hook up a tap to pump the beer out." Jess rolled his eyes

"I told you the thing in the bag did something." Kyle said slightly hitting one of the boys in the group

"No instructions." A boy pulls out the tap and scratches the back of his head

"Jeez." Jess rolls his eyes and attached the tap to the keg.

"All right. To Jess!" A boy nods in approval

"To Jess." The entire group starts chanting

"Well aren't you a hero" Sabrina jokes, Jess rolls his eyes again and pulls Sabrina away

Rory followed the two back to where the band was about to start playing. The band pushed Rory to introduce them. She awkwardly improvised something and mumbled incoherently into the mic when saying their band name because they still hadn't agreed on one.

The band finished up their first set and the crowd cheered. Dave thanked the crowd and the band went on a break before their next set.

"Are you having fun?" Sabrina asked Jess

"Tons" Jess replied

"We can go if you want to"

"Go where?"

"Anywhere" Sabrina smiled

"You don't want to go though"

"Well not exactly but I don't mind, I don't want you to be miserable"

"The band's playing a whole other set I know you want to see it"

"Alright, then how about after the next set we leave?"  Sabrina offered

"Only if you want to, but thank you" Jess said slightly relieved, he didn't feel too well in large crowds

"You want to try and have fun, maybe talk, mingle?"

"I don't wanna talk to anybody else. I don't like anybody else."

"You know what? Me neither, let's just stay here" Sabrina said wrapping her arms around Jess, who smiled in response.

After a few minutes Sabrina realized she had to use the bathroom. She looked over at the bathroom line and knew it would take ages before would be able to use it.

"Ugh I have to pee" Sabrina complained

"You want to try the upstairs bathroom?" Jess asked

"Are we even allowed up there? I think Kyle was very discouraging about that."

"Hey when you have a party, you get what you get."

"Yeah, I guess. Let's go"

Sabrina rushed upstairs and into the first bathroom she found and Jess waited outside for her. While waiting, Jess heard people talking from one of the bedrooms.

He heard male voice start to raise and a girl start to cry. He turned his head towards the noise in curiosity, then the door swung open and out came a crying Rory. Followed behind her was an angry looking Dean.

The bathroom door then slammed open almost knocking Jess in the face and Sabrina stormed out.

"I recognize that cry anywhere" Sabrina rushed down the stairs to find Rory.

Jess followed after Sabrina. Sabrina saw Dean going after Rory. Lindsay spotted Dean and tried to get his attention but he ignored her. Sabrina put the pieces together in her mind, without even thinking twice she angrily walked up to Dean.

She tapped Dean on the shoulder and as soon as her turned around she socked him right in the face. He yelped and held his eye in pain. The surrounding party goers froze. Rory, Jess and Lindsay all dropped their jaws in shock. Sabrina stared at her fist realizing what she just did.

"Oops" Sabrina said walking away

Dean dropped to the ground still holding his eye and the party resumed like nothing happened.

Rory and Sabrina finally met up.

"Rory. Are you okay?" Sabrina worriedly asked

"I am now, that was amazing" Rory said still in disbelief

"Yeah well" Sabrina shrugged

The two girls shared a hug, before a drunk Lane bumped into them.

"I think we better go home" Rory laughed trying to hold up Lane

"Agreed" Sabrina said grabbing the other side of Lane.

They found Jess and the four of them walked home. Lane occasionally stopping to throw up in a bush.

AN: I hated this episode I had to change it 😭😭😭

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