Thanksgiving Pt. 3

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Sabrina woke up in her bed, she stretched out her legs and rubbed her tired eyes. She glanced over at her clock and read the time.

3:36 AM

She got up from her bed, still dressed in her thanksgiving dress, threw on a sweater and the quick trip shoes, then she left out the door.

She walked through the streets of Stars Hallow, seeing the left over remnants of everyone's Thanksgiving Day celebrations.

She stopped in front of Luke's and looked up at the apartment window. She grabbed pebble off the street and threw it, slightly tapping the glass.

Jess opened up the window and looked down, just as Sabrina was throwing another pebble. It hit him right in between his eyebrows.

"Ouch" Jess rubbed his head

"Sorry" Sabrina giggled

"What are you doing?"

"Oh you know, just admiring this pile of mashed potatoes on the street" Sabrina looked down and awkwardly kicked a random pile of mashed potatoes

"You want me to come down and admire them with you?" Jess asked

"I mean if you insist"

"I do"

A few minutes later Jess came out the diner doors.

"Hey" He said

"Hey" Sabrina replied

"So talk to me"

"It's just-" Sabrina couldn't even get out a full sentence before she broke down crying again.

Jess took her in his arms and led her to their bridge. Jess listened to her as she ranted and rambled on about what happened at her grandparent's dinner. Listening to how they talked about her enraged him, he couldn't believe that for one second someone could genuinely think such thoughts.

"I mean, I know art is not the most reliable career but it's what I love, I can't give it up. I want to do it" Sabrina ranted

"And you will" Jess reassured

"There's other jobs I can take while I work on my projects, I don't need college"

"I agree, I've seen your art Sabrina, you have what it takes"

"You really think so?"

"I know so, the world deserves to see your art" Jess patted her leg and smiled reassuringly

"Thank you, Jess"

Jess walked her home and told her to get plenty of rest. He could tell how emotionally drained she was no matter how hard she tried to hide it. He was so worried about her, when he got back to the apartment he stayed up all night by the phone just in case she needed him.

Sabrina went up into her room after kissing Jess goodbye. She journaled for a bit before her eyes shut and she slept soundly throughout the entire rest of the night.

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