Jess' Car Pt. 2

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Luke comes upstairs into the apartment with food in his hands.

"Hey, I got dinner. Half an apple pie, too. Told the last couple people that wanted some that a fly landed in it." Luke says placing the food down on the table

"Why are you going through my stuff?" Jess accusingly asks

"I'm not."

"So someone else is?"

"I'm not going through your stuff."

"You suck at lying."

"You're paranoid."

"Fine, I'm being paranoid, but that doesn't mean you're not going through my stuff. Practically everything I own is in a slightly different place than when I saw it last. Now why are you going through my stuff?"

"For your own good."

"My own good? Can we be a little more Totalitarian here?"

"Hey, how about I ask a question, Jess?"

"If it has to do with this, be my guest."

"Where'd you get the money for the car?"


"The car."

"I told you, I worked for it."

"I know what I pay you. Now tell me where you got the money."

"I go to a... a place that gives me money."

"For what?"

"For my services."

"What services? What place?" Luke pieces together a very questionable image in his mind

"Jess, are you a gigolo?"

"What!?" Jess looks at his uncle horrified

"Well, I don?t know. You say you go to a place where they give you money..."

"I do."



"Excuse me?"

"I've been working there twelve hours a week for the past few months to get extra money for the car."

"You work at Walmart? I cannot picture you working at Walmart."

Jess pulls out his Walmart badge and shows it to Luke.

"Oh my God, you work at Wal-Mart." Luke burst out laughing

"Let's drop this now."

"So you've been sneaking out of here with a little vest hidden on you?

"It's not a little vest."

"Is it blue?"

"Will you stop talking about the vest?"

"Do you get a store discount?"

Fifteen percent. And if you want fifteen percent off anything, you're not gonna get it, cause you're being a jerk."

"My enjoyment is worth the loss."

"I'm eating and ignoring you." Jess sits down at the kitchen table getting a mouthful of apple pie

"You're like the all-American boy."

"Call me Dirk Squarejaw."

"Look at you."


"Eating apple pie."

"I'm outta here." Jess says spitting out the pie and getting up to leave

Luke followed Jess downstairs, just as they got to the bottom Sabrina walked in carrying something in her hands.

"Hey Jess you left your Walmart vest over at my house" Sabrina smiles handing over the vest

Luke once again bursts out laughing, this was the most Sabrina has seen him laugh at anything. She confusedly looks between Jess and Luke. Jess quickly grabs the vest, grabs her hand and pulls her out the diner.
The next evening the town was watching the town loner about to begin his protest. He stood at the highest window in the town church, carrying a giant rolled up scroll. The town watched in anticipation. Sabrina was standing with Luke; Rory and Lorelai later joined them. He dropped down his scroll but it was backwards. The town shouted at him to turn it over, but he was unsuccessful. The townsfolk began to slowly disperse in disappointment and confusion. Luke and Sabrina were still standing together looking up at the church, when Jess ran over to them.

"Luke! Did you see this?" Jess exclaims

"See what?"

"What happened?" Sabrina asks

"Someone egged my car."

"Geez, it stinks." Luke waves his hand in front of his face looking at the car

"It's gonna take me forever to clean this up."

"I can help" Sabrina offers

"These eggs are cooked." Luke looks closer at the eggs

"What?" Jess questions

"They're not raw eggs. They look like... deviled eggs."

"Someone devil-egged my car?"

"Well, that is paprika."

"Someone prepared deviled eggs to throw at my car?"

"Man, they must hate you a lot." Luke chuckles

"I'm gonna go get something to clean this up."

"I'll go with you" Sabrina follows behind him

Sabrina suddenly stops when she sees Rory watching the whole thing slightly smiling down at the ground. The two girls make eye contact but Sabrina rolls her eyes and angrily walks away to catch up to Jess.

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