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"So she coldcocked you, huh?" Rory asked

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"So she coldcocked you, huh?" Rory asked

"She bit me, incapacitated me with her poison, and devoured me whole." Lorelai said

The three Gilmore Girls walked down the sidewalk discussing their thanksgiving plans. Lorelai had been trying to avoid getting roped into Emily's thanksgiving dinner, but she showed up at the inn and managed to suck them in.

"But how are we going to go to four Thanksgiving dinners?" Rory wondered

"It's not four, is it?" Lorelai was surprised

"Lane's house, Sookie's, and we always stop by Luke's. . .that's three, and Grandma and Grandpa is four." Rory counted

"There's no way I'm going to Grandma and Grandpa's, that's all on you" Sabrina rolled her eyes

"Come on you have to go, you've been skipping out on so many grandparent things" Rory said

"Puh leaseee don't you think that stupid debutante ball was torture enough" Sabrina complained

"Sadly, we've gotta go to my parents' or we'll be brought up on war crimes. And Lane's is always super early, so that's easy to catch. Sookie's is mid afternoon....." Lorelai worked out their schedule in her mind

"No fair" Sabrina mumbled and walked in silence the rest of the way.

"Luke's the toughie." Rory continued

"Guess that's the one we'll have to skip." Lorelai said

"Bummer." Rory sighed and Sabrina hung her head lower

The girls walked into Luke's and got their usual Wednesday order, which Luke conveniently already had ready. He was preparing his thanksgiving food, when Lorelai had informed him that they wouldn't be able to make it to his thanksgiving. He walked away and looked almost disappointed, ridden with guilt Lorelai and Rory changed their minds and decided to that they would attend all 4 thanksgivings. This news managed to bring a small smile to Sabrina's face.

"That was very nice." Sabrina said

"Well, I hate disappointing people." Lorelai started eating some of her food

"Okay, now, practical question. . . how are we going to eat four Thanksgiving dinners?" Rory asked

  "How? Rory, what are we if not world champion eaters?" Lorelai replied

"It's too much food." Rory shook her head

"It's not too much food. This is what we've been training for our whole lives. This is our destiny. This is our finest hour."

"Or final hour."

"No, no. Get inspired and tomorrow I guarantee you, we three will be standing on the Olympic platform receiving our gold medals for eating."

"Okay, okay, four dinners."

"Yeah, we'll skip the rolls."

"speak for yourself" Sabrina said taking a bite of her cherry pie
Thanksgiving morning the three girls walked to the market to get gifts for all the hosts of the dinners they were attending. Sabrina headed off to get flowers for everyone, minus Mrs. Kim who would be receiving cranberry sauce. Lorelai and Rory went to Doose's to get the cranberry sauce and tums.

Sabrina was looking at all the flower choices, when someone decided to sneak up behind her.

"Hey there" Jess said wrapping his arms around her from behind causing Sabrina to jump

"Don't do that" Sabrina shrieked playfully hitting his arm

"So you coming over to the diner later?" Jess asked

"And risk missing out on Luke's turkey? Of course I am, just wait until you try's heavenly, oh and his mashed potatoes are to die for, and don't even get me started on his stuffing, and biscuits! How could I forget his biscuits" Sabrina began to ramble

She clapped her hands together and looked up fantasizing about all the food, Jess shook his head and slightly chuckled at her.

Jess and Sabrina said a quick goodbye, before he headed off. Shortly afterwards Lorelai came out and complimented the flowers Sabrina picked out and showed her the chocolate turkeys she chose to go along with the gifts.

After thanksgiving at Lane's, where the ate turkey made of tofu, which only Sabrina liked, and thanksgiving at Sookie's, who was freaking out because Jackson wanted to deep-fry their turkey, they finally headed over to the diner.

"Hey everybody." Lorelai said entering Luke's

"Oh, hey there dollfaces. Happy Thanksgiving." Babette said from her table

"Yeah, Happy Thanksgiving." Morey said sitting next to her

"Here Lukey" Sabrina said handing Luke a bouquet of flowers

"What's this?" Luke questioned

"Uh flowers." Sabrina rolled her eyes

"What do I do with them?"

"Ugh, not this again." Lorelai groaned

"Put them in a vase with water." Rory added in

"I don't have vases."

"Buy a vase." Sabrina said

"But I don't need a vase cause I never have flowers."

"Except when we bring you flowers every year on Thanksgiving. Buy a vase." Lorelai said

"Stop bringing me flowers."

"You love them" Sabrina jokingly stuck her tongue out

"I'll just put them on the counter and we can forget this ever happened" Rory said placing the flowers on the counter

"Good. I'll be right back. That's our table over there." Luke said pointing at a table

They sit at their table and Luke comes down the stairs dragging Jess along with him.

"Hey" Jess greets Sabrina with a kiss

"Hi" Sabrina giggles and pushes out a chair for Jess to sit in

"God, I'm starved." Jess holds his stomach

"You could've eaten." Luke responds

"You kept telling me not to eat."

"I did not."

"You did, too. You said you were waiting for them."

"Aw, you didn't have to wait for us." Lorelai smiles, and Sabrina giggles taking Jess' hand into her's.

"I wasn't waiting for you, it just worked out this way." Luke tries to cover up

"Right." Jess said sarcastically

"Looks great." Rory compliments

"Tasty." Sabrina excitedly clapped her hands together

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