Car Crash Pt. 3

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Jess called the ambulance and made sure Sabrina was okay before talking to the police. She asked him to come with her to the hospital and as much as he wanted to be there for her, he knew he couldn't.

Sabrina ended up with a fractured wrist, she chose out a pink cast which she later decorated with sparkly stickers. When she called her mom about the incident, Lorelai quickly grabbed Rory and they rushed to the hospital.

After a few more X-rays they finally headed home,
Lorelai dropped off the girls but she had one more
stop in mind.

Lorelai banged on the outside of Luke's diner calling his name until he opened up.

"Where is he?"


"Jess! Where's Jess, Luke?"

"I don't know, I just got back. What's going on?"

"Jess!" Lorelai shouted ignoring Luke while heading for the upstairs apartment

"Hey, talk to me!" Luke exclaimed while following her upstairs

"Jess, answer me right now!"

"What's wrong, what happened?"

"There was an accident."


"Jess was driving Sabrina's car, and they got into a crash"

"What happened? Is anyone hurt? Lorelai!" Luke shouted as Lorelai went back downstairs still calling out for Jess

"Where would he be? Where would he go?"

"I asked you if anyone was hurt?"

"Uh, was anyone hurt? Well, let's see. Uh, Sabrina's in the emergency room now with a fractured wrist, so yeah, I'd say someone was hurt."

"What about Jess is he hurt?"

"No, Luke Jess did the hurting. That little punk nephew of yours almost killed my kid tonight."

"Okay, you just need to calm down."

Lorelai and Luke got into an argument about Jess. Although Lorelai was starting to see the good in him and what he's done for her daughter, she couldn't get it out of her head that he was trouble. This incident just brought further proof of that. She was hurt that her daughter was hurt and needed to place the blame on someone. Since Jess wasn't around she placed it on Luke for bringing him here.

Luke was just worried about Jess, he didn't know where he was or if he was okay. He stormed outside while Lorelai continued to yell at him. The argument ended with each other telling the other to go to hell, then they went their separate ways.
Jess sat on the edge of the bridge looking down at the water. He reminisced on all the memories he had with Sabrina at the bridge, at school, in the diner, even earlier today. He felt so awful , he just wanted her to be okay. He knew he couldn't stay here anymore. As much as he wanted too, to be able to see Sabrina everyday, hold her in his arms, listen to her rants and jokes, he couldn't. He suddenly heard an old pair of boots creek on the bridge. He looked up to meet the eyes of a scruffy man.

"I made sure she was okay."

"I know you did."

AN: I didn't plan for this chapter to be so short oopsies 🌝

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