A-Tisket A-Tasket Prequel

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*before the bridge*

"Okay, I seriously cannot find vrannox anywhere, I even checked the pharmacy in the next town over"
Dean collapsed on the grass next to where Sabrina stood "are you sure it exists?"

"Um yes I'm sure it exists, I use it nearly everyday" Sabrina looks down at the exhausted Dean "Oh my god did you run there!?"

"You seemed in a lot of pain, I was worried"

"Well my legs all better now, so don't worry about that, thank you though"

"Oh, fast healer huh?"

"Oh yes, I found some spare vrannox" Sabrina stuttered out trying not to look Dean in the eyes "Ooh! my baskets up!"

Dean stood up looking at the gazebo

"Hey where's Rory, did I miss her basket"

"Oh I'm sure my mom bought it, she used to do that to mine before I met Kirk"

"How sweet"

"Ugh, how come no one's bidding on mine, it's clearly the best looking one up there" Sabrina looked around anxiously for Jess

"Well since Rory's basket is already gone, I got you" Dean pulled her in for a one armed side hug patting her arm "ten dollars!"

"I told Jess at least twenty, this is embarrassing" Sabrina mumbled

"What was that?"

"Nothing, thank you for doing this Dean"

"Of course anything for my lil sis"

Dean went up and got the basket, looking for Rory on his way back.

"Wow this looks amazing, you actually tried huh?"

"Yeah well I was hoping for a certain someone to buy it"

"Oooo really? A secret crush"

"Oh grow up Dean, I think you know who it is"

"Don't tell me, Jess?"

"I know you don't like him, and you had that little fight but I promise you he's not like that, he's so sweet, and he really pays attention to everything I say, he just so amazing and he really cares, you know, it's hard to find someone like that in this town. I mean that's why I'm so happy for Rory, she's got an amazing guy like you, you don't only care for her but for me too and our mom, and Lane, you care about her entire world, just like Jess cares about mine"

"He really makes you that happy?"

"He really does"

"Then come on, let's go find him and deliver what's rightfully his" Dean says waving up the basket

"Thank you Dean"
After looking around town for a while Sabrina suggested they go check out the bridge, her note wasn't in the basket so maybe Rory gave it to him already.

"This might be kinda awkward for you to answer, but uh do you think Rory could like another person" Dean asks as the walk through the crunchy leaves on the path towards the bridge

"That's nonsense, she's crazy about you, besides she basically won the boyfriend lottery with you, she'd be stupid to like someone else"

"Yeah, I guess it is stupid" Dean rubs the back of his head

"Do you think she does?"

"Sometimes I feel like she does"


"When she's around Jess, not saying he likes her or anything, I'm almost one hundred percent sure he likes you, but uh she just gets a little weird around him"

Sabrina thinks for a moment, she does get kinda weird around Jess, she just thought it was because she hated him. She wouldn't do anything though right? She knows Sabrina likes him.

"Well why do you like Jess?" Dean questions


"I'm just curious what all the fuss is about" Dean tries to lighten the mood

"You really want to know?"


Sabrina reaches into the basket and pulls out the letter she's been working on all night and hands it to Dean. They continue walking as Dean reads over the letter.

"Wow, Sabrina, this is really beautiful"

"Oh stop it's stupid"

"No genuinely, if a girl gave something like this to me I'd marry her on the spot"

"It's really good?"

"Jess is one lucky man"

The bridge comes into view, where Sabrina and Dean spot Rory and Jess, overhearing their conversation

"Look I don't like you alright, I thought it was clear I liked your sister, I mean she's the only reason I even tolerate you, quite frankly I find you pretentious and annoying"

Dean begins to walk over, but Sabrina grabs his wrist and stops him

"Wait, I think this will answer your questions" she whispers and they both continue watching

Sabrina freezes hearing Jess confess his love for her, she grabs Deans arms and looks at him with the widest eyes ever, she was in so much shock and disbelief.

All of a sudden Rory pulls Jess in for a kiss, neither one of them can contain themselves anymore

"What the hell!?"

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