Dean's New Girlfriend

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"You're crazy" Jess stated

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"You're crazy" Jess stated

"No, come on it's cute" Sabrina twirled around in a giant faux fur coat

Jess and Sabrina took the bus to New York over the weekend to go shopping. They were currently in a vintage thrift shop, and Sabrina had already spent too much money.

"Yeah cute for a cigarette smoking grandmother"

"Oh hush, you don't know anything about fashion" Sabrina picked up a pair of brown boots

"Oh no, I've seen your shoe collection. Do you seriously need more?" Jess looked in horror, she already had a shopping cart full of clothes, shoes and accessories.

"Uh yes" Sabrina rolled her eyes and dropped the boots into her cart

"Where are you even going to wear these too?"

"They would be perfect for the Stars Hallow High hockey game" Sabrina smiled

"Please Sabrina, you already roped me into going to the stupid game with you, now I have to sit by you wearing that ridiculous coat"

"Yes, that's what you get for dating the weird artsy girl" Sabrina stuck out her tongue

"You're right, I knew what I was signing up for" Jess surrendered
The next day Lorelai and Sabrina went to Luke's diner. Lorelai sat down at a table and sent Sabrina to go get coffee at the counter. Taylor then came over to Lorelai's table and started nagging her about his family reunion. Something he had been doing throughout the entire week.

"Hey. You were supposed to bring me a cup of coffee." Lorelai approached the counter

"Yes, I know. I'm sorry, I got distracted." Sabrina turned red

"My fault." Jess said

"Yes, but see, when you left me there, I was alone, and now, look, I'm no longer alone."

"Taylor found you?" Sabrina looked over to their table and saw Taylor still over there

"Yes, and we've since embarked on hour one hundred millionth of planning the special Doose reunion."

"I'm coming back over there right now."

"Yes, and then you are going to get very sick and be unable to feed yourself so that Mommy will need to take you home and stay by your side until the Doose reunion is over."

"Well okay."

"Okay. Say goodbye to Jess."

"Bye Jess."

"I'll call you later." Jess nodded

Later in the evening Lindsay called Sabrina over for an emergency sleepover, she said she had something urgent to talk about.

"I got asked out!" Lindsay squealed as soon as she opened the door

"Oh my god, tell me everything!" Sabrina immediately dropped her bag on the floor and pulled Lindsay in for a hug.

"Come on" Lindsay grabbed Sabrina's hand and pulled her upstairs into her room.

Lindsay talked about how she been crushing on this guy for about a year now, but he had a girlfriend.

"They broke up a while ago and I've been trying to play it cool you know, but he's just so cute. I couldn't help myself I had to start flirting before someone else came along."

"And he reciprocated?" Sabrina excitedly smiled and Lindsay just happily nodded.

"I mean how could he not?" Sabrina laughed

"I know! And he finally did it, he finally asked me out. Lindsay Lister is now a taken woman" Lindsay beamed

"I'm so happy for you! So who is he?" Sabrina asked

"Oh um just a guy" Lindsay awkwardly replied

"Does he go to our school?"

"Yeah, he might, I think so"

"So I know him?"

"I suppose there's a possibility"

"Well who is he?"

"Um Dean"


"Yeah Dean"


Lindsay sucked in her lips and nodded, looking away from Sabrina. Sabrina realized she never told Lindsay about the incident with Dean. She took in a deep breath and smiled at Lindsay.

"That's great"

"It is? Because I really like him, he's so sweet and caring. And I know him and Rory had broken up a couple of times, and you're her sister and all-" Lindsay began to ramble

"Really it's okay" Sabrina placed her hand on Lindsay's

"You think Rory will care?"

"Oh please when's the last time Rory has even spoken to you"

"I guess you're right" Lindsay laughed

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