Bracebridge Dinner Pt. 3

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Before the dinner Lorelai announced a surprise, a horse drawn carriage ride through the town. Jess saw this as a perfect opportunity to talk with Sabrina, like really talk with her.

"That it Miss?" The driver asked the brunette

"I guess I'm alone" just as the sleigh takes off Jess jumps in

"What are you doing!?" Rory shrieks

"Damnit wrong twin"

"What's that supposed to mean" Rory offendedly asks

"Sorry you guys look freakishly similar from the back, ever considered going blonde or getting a bob"

Rory rolls her eyes "I would say get out, but not only is that dangerous I do want to talk to you"

"what about"


"Ooo is this the scary older sister talk where you question my intentions with your daughter" Jess says the last part in a horrible country accent


"I can ensure you they're honorable, honest" Jess gives a little nod and raises one hand

"Relax you're not on trial, I just want to know why you were fighting Dean"

"What does that have to do with your sister"

"Well you were fighting someone else before him, weren't you" Rory presses

"Yeah and?"

"That person was Sabrina's ex boyfriend"


"Relax Sabrina was never serious about him, but he is still really possessive over her, so I would watch out"
Back at the inn Sabrina was looking for Jess to go on the sleigh ride with her, not being able to find him she went with Kirk. It turned out to be a really fun time, they sung Christmas songs the entire time and even got the driver to join in. When they got back it was time for the actual dinner where Sabrina finally found Jess and sat by him.

"Hey where did you go, I wanted to go on the sleigh ride with you" Sabrina said looking over dramatically sad

Jess sighed and looked embarrassed"I may have mistaken the back of your sisters head for yours and jumped in the wrong sleigh"

Sabrina just laughed "this is why you should patiently wait your turn and not jump into moving sleighs"

Jess laughed along, just as Lorelai finished her speech and everyone began eating. Jess and Sabrina continue to joke around about the strange medieval food and soon all previous tension or nervousness had disappeared, they were back to their old selves.

Sabrina looked over at Jess mischievously

"Follow me" she whispered

They both got up and she led them outside back to the horses. There was one sleigh still set up with the driver and everything.

"Come on" Sabrina smiled and they both boarded the sleigh

They rode through the town talking about anything and everything, books, movies, music, school, Luke, everything.

"How come you didn't go home for winter break" Sabrina asked

"My mom didn't want me too"

"I'm sure that's not true, did Luke tell you she didn't want you too"

"Luke told me it was his idea that I should stay. It wasn't his idea. That's good." Jess says pointing at something


"Your snowman. Snowwoman, actually."

Sabrina smiles "how do you know which one is mine"

"It definitely has the most personality."

"Really? Everyone thinks the one on the end is going to win though"

"Nahh, it's so overdone"

"I know right"

"You should win"

"No argument" Sabrina giggles

They fall into a comfortable silence, Sabrina eventually rests her head on Jess' shoulder, he puts his arm around her and they stay like this all the way until they get back to the inn.

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