Jess First Day pt. 2

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Jess ended up sitting behind a dark haired girl during English because there was no empty seat by Sabrina. He still watched her intently as she giggled with some blonde girl, and jokingly hit some tall boy when he stole notes off her desk. At the end of class the teacher handed him the syllabus, and he groaned just looking at the book list. He has read all of them, some twice, and hated majority of them. Jess was a very opinionated and judgmental reader, weather he likes a person or not is completely dependent on their favorite books or authors.

He began walking to his next class still looking over the book list, when he felt someone bump into his shoulder. He almost flinched when he saw Sabrina smiling peering over his shoulder. She grabbed the paper out of his hand and started walking by his side.

"Doesn't the book list totally suck this year" She said looking over the paper.

"Uh huh" Jess mumbled

"I mean, it's like the school didn't take away anything from last year- me and Lane worked so hard to change that list, I bet they think we won't do it again either" Sabrina said in a very apparent annoyed voice


"Oh that's the girl you sat behind. Way smart and the worlds greatest music taste . Such a shame she has to hide her talent"


"Ugh don't even get me started, her mom totally unfair and crazy strict. No matter how many pep talks I give to Lane, her mom always gets in her head. Poor girl- it's like" Before she could continue rambling Jess cuts her off

"She your best friend or something"

"No, I love her to death but she's more Rory's then mine. My best friend is Lindsay, the blonde girl I was sitting by. Oh and that totally annoying beanstalk who stole all my paper was Rory's boyfriend, Dean"

"Well then whose your boyfriend?"

Sabrina laughed "As if I would date some loser from this school. Half the boys here can't even spell their last names. Deans alright I guess, but then again Rory doesn't have to see him stumble through answering questions in class."

Jess looked at the floor and smiled, before quickly wiping it off to enter his next class, which was art.

There wasn't an empty seat next to Sabrina, but the art room had tables instead of desks so she pulled up a chair at the end of the table for Jess to sit in.

The teacher spent most of the class explaining what their next project was going to be. Sabrina pulled out a paper and drew a circle on it, she slid the paper and marker over to Jess. With a nod of her head he picked up on what she meant and added a face to the circle. They spent the rest of the class adding on to the drawing, which started out nice until Jess decided to add a shark attack.

After school Jess saw Sabrina talking to Lindsay, Dean walked by and was greeted by both the girls. With a small hug Lindsay walked off, and Sabrina immediately started scanning the area until her eyes landed on Jess.

"Were you waiting for me" She ran up to Jess and started teasingly poking his arm

"Maybe, but you were definitely looking for me" Jess smirked

"Maybe" Sabrina added in a mocking tone

She grabbed his armed and yanked him towards the diner. Luke already had a bag packed on the counter with her name on it. She pulled out some money from her pocket and left it on the counter, along with a note that read "Thanks Lukey, you're the best !!". Jess watched her as she grabbed the bag of food and paratactically sprinted out the diner. He watched as she spun around on her heels and stomp back in.

"You better not steal that" Sabrina gestured towards the money

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