Dance Marathon Pt. 3

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Twenty three hours had now passed. Taylor was fully drunk, babbling nonsense to Miss Patty. There were only a few dancers left.

"Ow!" Lorelai stumbles a bit

"You okay?" Rory asks

"Oh no! My heel broke."


"My heel just broke off. Damn, these are brand new shoes, too."

"They were made in 1943."

"Well, I just bought them Tuesday."

"I told you not to wear vintage shoes."

"But the lady at the store said that they hadn't been worn a lot."

"Yeah, but not a lot in sixty years is still a lot."

"I gotta fix them. I'll use my emergency card. I'll be right back."

"No, stop. If you leave, there's no way I'll be able to stand up on my own."

"Ten minutes."


"Damn, what to do?" Lorelai looks around, and spots Dean still sitting and watching from the bleachers.

"Dean, come here! Dean!"

"What are you doing!?" Rory shockingly asks

"It's just for a few minutes, you can finally have an opportunity to talk, get him to apologize, and I'm sure Sabrina will understand once I tell her it was a fashion emergency"

"Is everything okay?" Dean walks over nervously looking at Lorelai

"Yeah, it's great. Stand here." Lorelai drapes Rory's arm across Dean.

"Whoa." Dean shockingly lets out.

"Look, I'll be back in ten minutes. Do not let her stop or lay down, do you understand me?"

"But I-"

Lorelai walks away before he could finish his sentence.

"So does this mean your mom knows about us now?" Dean asks

"No it's just some weird freaky coincidence, I'm really sorry about all of this"

"Yeah, uh, it's okay."

"Are you sure?" Rory snuggles closer into him

"Yeah. Actually, it's not bad at all." Dean tightens his hold around her body, snuggling his head into her neck.

"This will make it a lot easier to tell her though" Rory points out

Sabrina spins around and sees Rory now with Dean, she quickly dances Kirk over to Jess.

"Hey what happened?" Sabrina gestures over to Dean and Rory.

"I'm not too sure, I saw your mom run off with her emergency card though"

"Oh no, I wonder what happened, I mean she voluntarily got Dean involved it had to have been something bad"

Jess just shrugs, and Kirk dances them away to the other side of the gym

"He's still there." Rory scoffs a few minutes later


"Jess. He's still there. I can't believe he's still there."

"Just ignore him."

"You know, this is a dance marathon. You're not supposed to come and sit and watch, you're supposed to dance. He's just trying to bug me, sitting there right in front of me, staring. Jerk."

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