New Neighbor Pt. 2

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Sabrina sat on the edge of Luke's bathtub, as Jess rubbed a towel all over her soaking wet head of hair

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Sabrina sat on the edge of Luke's bathtub, as Jess rubbed a towel all over her soaking wet head of hair.

"Wait here" Jess wrapped the towel around her shoulders, then left and went over to his closet

He came back with a pile of clothes in his hand.

"Here you can change into these, I don't want you to catch a cold"

"Oh thank you" Sabrina said accepting the pile of clothes

"Hey my pink sweatpants! I've been looking for you everywhere, how do you have these?" Sabrina looks curiously at Jess

"You left them here when you were having that big fashion emergency" Jess chuckles

"Ohhh right I remember that, well I'm so glad to be reunited with you, I've missed you so much, we have so much catching up to do" Sabrina hugs the pants up to her face

Jess just jokingly rolls his eyes and shuts the bathroom door. He quickly changes himself, and sits on the edge of his bed waiting for Sabrina.

"Sonic Youth, nice" Sabrina says walking out of the bathroom door, and looking down at her shirt

"Yeah well-"

Sabrina sits next to Jess before flopping backwards on his bed, her legs dangling off the edge.

"Hey are you okay?" Jess asks looking down at her

"Yeah?" Sabrina confusedly answers

"I mean with Dean and everything, he didn't try anything did he?"

"Ugh no, he was just being his usual annoying nosy self"

"Okay good"

"And even if he did, I would just karate kick him so hard he would go spinning all the way up to Saturn" Sabrina kicks up one of her legs that was dangling over the edge almost hitting Jess in the face.

"You know, I believe that" Jess laughs while dodging her kick

"How are things with your sister?" Jess continues

"Ugh don't even get me started, I'm still in such disbelief, but I know no matter what I say or do nothing is going to change this situation"

"She's staying with Dean?"

"Yep, she's still trying to be sneaky about it though, I don't even think our mom knows"

"What a mental case" Jess shakes his head

Sabrina sits up and lightly slaps his arm

"Hey she's still my sister"

"You're right, apologies, you think you're going to make up with her anytime soon?"

"It's all up to her, I'm always the one to initiate the making up process and I'm tired of it, this time we'll just have to wait and see how much she cares about our sisterhood" Sabrina lies back down; Jess lays down next to her and collapses their hands together

"Hey you wanna play monopoly from Japan?" Sabrina breaks the silence, and the two of them burst out into shared smiles.


AN: omgg just found out this is ranked #2 under the silly hashtag which I found so funny 😭😭😭 thank you for reading and voting 🫶🫶🫶🫶

AN: omgg just found out this is ranked #2 under the silly hashtag which I found so funny 😭😭😭 thank you for reading and voting 🫶🫶🫶🫶

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