The Aftermath

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Rory stood on the bridge all alone

"Oh god, what have I done" her eyes were filled to the brim with tears and she ran her fingers through her head

She still had the letter in her hand, scared to read it or even look at it

She just stood there crying feeling nothing but regret and sorry for herself.
Dean had headed home unsure of what to do. He still loved Rory, he was just in disbelief.

He weighed in his options, on one hand they technically didn't kiss surely he could overlook this one thing. On the other, he could tell her feelings switched over to Jess a while ago. He didn't want to be the one she settled for because she couldn't have Jess.

She's so used to getting whatever she wants when she wants it, it would do her some good to not have either one of them, Dean thought to himself

As much as he loved Rory and longed to be with her, he knew he couldn't, he knew he had to make this decision for himself. It's better this way

He was most in shock that she would do this to her own twin sister, she wouldn't even borrow her clothes without asking her first. What could've possibly come over her.
Jess and Sabrina went up into Luke's apartment and just lied in each other's arms. No matter how sweet this moment was Sabrina couldn't get her mind off of Rory, how could she? Jess understood that and just held her closely, rubbing her back and running his fingers through her hair. Sabrina silently let the tears stream from her face. Eventually they both fell asleep holding onto each other so tightly.

Luke walked in after spending the day with Lorelai, he looked down at the teens sleeping peacefully.

A small smile began to appear on his face as he closed the door to the apartment and headed down the stairs falling asleep at the diner counter.

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