The Gutters Pt.3

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Sabrina stayed outside on the porch watching Jess work. They were joking around when Jess accidentally dropped whatever gunk was clogging up the gutters right on her. She shrieked and ran away to go change her clothes, Jess just laughed and shook his head at how dramatic she was. He continued to work in silence, until eventually Lorelai came out.

"Jess? Hey, Jess!"

"Sorry, too loud?"

"Oh, no, it's fine. Uh, it's just. . . I got a ton of leftover Chinese food in the kitchen. I thought you might like some lunch."

"No thanks"


Jess turns around to work again, but then closes his eyes remembering another promise he made to Sabrina.

"Chinese sounds great"


"If you're sure you have enough"

There's plenty. The girls and I decided to take on the entire chicken column last night"
Back in the kitchen Lorelai explains the whole chicken situation they have going on

"So, um, basically everything here is chicken. You've got garlic chicken, Kung Pao chicken, Szechuan Chicken, chicken in brown sauce, which looks and tastes remarkably like the Szechuan Chicken except it's got these red peppers in it and if you eat them, you die. Plate?"

"I thought I'd, uhh.." Jess waved his dirty hands up

"Oh, soaps on the counter"

"So when was the last time you had those gutters cleaned?"

"It's been awhile."

"Yeah, I found an I like Ike' bumper sticker up there."

"Is it really bad?"

"Well, it won't be by tomorrow."

"I like hearing that."

"So you guys aren't too hot on vegetables, huh?"

"What are you talking about?There's green pepper in the Kung Pao."

"My mistake."

"So, are you a healthy eater like Luke?"

"No. No one's a healthy eater like Luke. Yule Gibbons wasn't a healthy eater like Luke."

"Wow, it's been ages since I've heard a good Yule Gibbons reference."

"Many parts of a pine tree are edible."

"That's right. God, I wonder what the research process was like to get that information."

"I'd say fairly painful."

"Huh. Here. So how's school?"

"It's still there."

"You on any teams or anything?"

"No, no, no."

"Not a jersey guy?"

"No, definitely not a jersey guy. Though the thought of throwing a ball at some jock's head isn't entirely unappealing. Look, I'm not really good at this small talk thing."

"You're doing okay. Cold egg roll?"

"Why not?" Jess takes a bite then freezes


"Oh yeah."

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