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"I can't believe he just came over

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"I can't believe he just came over." Sabrina says in shock

The girls had just gotten back from Friday night dinner with their grandmother, during which the twins father had came in and caused a scene. During Sookie's wedding he found out his girlfriend was pregnant and he had to break his promise to the girls that this time it would work out with Lorelai. Both the twins ended up storming upstairs and Emily had to kick him out of the house. Sabrina, Rory and Lorelai were now walking down the streets of Stars Hallow.

"He misses you two" Lorelai says

"He misses you." Rory adds

"We're very missable." Lorelai jokes

"I'm starving." Sabrina holds her stomach

"Really? Could it be cause dinner sucked?" Lorelai laughs

"Could be."

"Let's do mac and cheese." Rory chimes in

"And tater tots" Lorelai says

"And those little pizza rolls." Sabrina excitedly claps her hands together

"Oh, and chili beef soup." Rory add in

"After which we will install our own vomitorium."Lorelai quips

"Okay, nix the soup."

Just then someone shouts "Lorelai!"

The three girls turn around at the same time to see Kirk running down the street. Earlier in the week he had asked out Lorelai on a date and hasn't left her alone since.

"Oh no. Go on in." Lorelai motions her daughters towards Doose's market

"Are you sure?" Rory asked

"I have to take care of this."

"Good luck." Sabrina squeezes her mother's hand in solidarity

The girls start to head inside but Sabrina stops, and Rory looks at her.

"I'm gonna head home, you go in"

"Why what's wrong?"

"Nothing just my head hurts from all the shouting"

"Oh okay feel better" Rory places a hand on Sabrina's arm and smiles

"Thanks, don't forget the pizza rolls" Sabrina smiles back before heading off

In the market Rory walks into an aisle and freezes when she sees Jess.

"Doing a little shopping?" Jess sarcastically asks

"Yes. Excuse me."

"Why the cold shoulder?"

"No cold shoulder. I just have perishables here."

"Oh yeah, you wanna get home before that beefaroni goes bad"

"My mom and your girlfriend are waiting for me." Rory rolls her eyes

"How was your summer?"


"Do anything interesting?" Jess presses


"Okay." Jess begins to turn away

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Anything interesting happen? This summer, I mean."




"So nothing happened this summer, at all?"

"It was hot. Two weeks ago there was a run on snowcones. Machine broke, people went crazy, Taylor tried to call in the National Guard, but-"

"I'm not talking about snowcones."

"What are you talking about then?"


"Your sister?"

"I said it was nothing"

"Well good, you have no reason to be concerned about me and your sister, right?"

"Right, it's great. That's great. Really, it's great."

"So I've heard."

"Well, it is."

"Are you upset about something?"


"I mean, me and Sabrina"

"What about you and Sabrina?"

"I don't know, it didn't exactly bring a smile to your face."

"Well, I'm still freaked out about the, uh, snowcone machine."


"I couldn't care less about you and Sabrina."

"Good. Now let's talk about something that's been upsetting me"

"What?" Rory rolls her eyes

"You and Dean. Are you two together again?"

"What?" Rory face drops into shock and panic

"You know the two of you walking around the other day like some damn Andy Hardy movie. Seemed to me like you're pretty together. I half expected you to break into a barn and put on a show."

"When did you see me with Dean?"

"At that stupid summer insanity plea the town put on."

"Oh, I'm surprised you could see anything with Sabrina's head plastered to your face."

"You didn't answer me."

"About what?"

"Are you back with Dean?"

Rory stays quiet.

"Come on, Rory, yes or no are you back with Dean?"

"Yes, I'm back with Dean, yes!" Rory breaks down

"Wow, glad to hear it." Jess sarcastically remarks

"Glad to tell you." Rory once again rolling her eyes

"See you around."


"Right back at ya." Jess begins to walk away, but Rory grabs his arms which he quickly pulls away from her in disgust

"Wait, please don't tell Sabrina" Rory pleads

"Trust me, she already knows" Jess walks away
AN: I was gonna skip this episode but I really like making the fancier outfits so the Friday night dinner was the perfect excuse 🌝

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