A New Queen

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[King's Landing - Red Keep]

The morning sun cast a warm, golden glow across the city of King's Landing, bathing the crumbling ruins of the Red Keep in an ethereal light. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and the sound of distant hammering, as the citizens of the Seven Kingdoms began the arduous task of rebuilding their shattered lives. The once-mighty army of the dead, led by the Night King and his horde of White Walkers, had been defeated. Now, all that remained were the countless bodies strewn across the battlefield, slowly rotting in the sun. It was a somber sight, but one that held a certain hopefulness as well.

Queen Morgana Baratheon, daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, wife of King of the North, Robb Stark, stood atop the rubble of the throne she had now claimed as her own. Her eyes scanned the crowd below, taking in the faces of her subjects. Some were filled with grief, others with determination.

She wore her crown proudly, aware that the weight of it went beyond the silver and jewels that adorned it, not mention the wings, reminiscent of the Valkyries; legendary soldiers of the warrior maiden, whom Morgana was the reincarnation of.

She was the newly crowned Queen of the Six Kingdoms; the North would retain its independence, and be ruled by her son, Robert, while Robert's older twin, Eddard, was heir to the Iron Throne. Both boys were still toddlers, and Morgana was pregnant again, but not very far along.

She raised her hand, signaling for silence. The crowd hushed, their attention now fixed on the new Queen. "My people," she began, her voice strong and steady, "the war has ended. The dead have been defeated. But our work has only just begun. We must rebuild our cities, tend to our wounded, and find a way to live together in peace." Her gaze flickered to the children among them, their faces dirty and tear-stained. "We must do this for our children, for they are the future of Westeros. They deserve a world where they can grow up safe and free."

There was a murmur of agreement in the crowd, and Morgana continued, "To that end, I hereby declare a day of service. From the highest lord to the lowliest servant, each of us must do our part to make our kingdoms whole again. Let us begin today, by cleaning up this mess and showing the world that even from the ashes, new life can emerge."

Her words seemed to resonate with the people, and they began to disperse, moving toward the task at hand. Some gathered stones and wood to build makeshift shelters for the homeless, while others tended to the wounded, carrying them to medical tents set up throughout the city. Even the children, though they were too young to truly understand the gravity of the situation, pitched in, helping to collect scraps of cloth and food that could be used to help those in need.

Queen Morgana watched them all, her heart swelling with pride. She turned to her most trusted advisors, among them her husband and King Consort, Robb Stark, her cousin, Jon Snow - or Jaeharys Targaryen, and her uncle, Tyrion Lannister. "We must do more than just rebuild," she said. "We must learn from our mistakes. The divisiveness that plagued our kingdoms in the past cannot be allowed to rise again. We must find a way to unite our people, to show them that they are stronger together."

Her words hung in the air as she considered the challenges that lay ahead. The economy was in shambles, with trade routes disrupted and crops left untended. Food shortages and disease were a looming threat.

Morgana had overseen the construction of a greenhouse in the North, for this exact eventuality, and knew she would have to quickly do the same in other regions as well.

The seed vaults had survived the war intact, and now they would be used to repopulate the fields and orchards, ensuring a steady food supply for the people. She also knew that she needed to focus on rebuilding the trade routes, as well as improving the infrastructure of the kingdoms. New roads, bridges, and ports would need to be constructed, and the once-thriving trade cities would have to be restored to their former glory.

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