Dragonstone Response

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On the windswept shores of Dragonstone, a lone raven landed on the parapet of the great castle. Its wings, once strong and resilient, now bore the marks of its long journey. As it cawed, a servant of House Targaryen rushed to its side, anxious to learn the news it bore. The servant swiftly plucked the scroll from the raven's talons, unfurled it, and began to read. His eyes widened in disbelief, his breath catching in his throat.

He hurried back to the throne room where Daenerys Targaryen, the Dragon's Daughter herself, sat upon her stone throne. Her silver-blonde hair whipped around her face, her eyes blazing with determination and power.

"Your Grace," the servant stammered, "a raven from Winterfell has arrived. Jon Snow has proclaimed himself Jaeharys III Targaryen, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne."

In an instant, her world had come crashing down.

First, her brother, Viserys was heir. Then he died and it fell to her, as the last Targaryen. Or, so she thought.

But, this changed everything.

Rhaegar was the first child of Rhaella and King Aerys II to survive to adulthood, making him the default heir.

Any legitimate children he had would be next in line to the Throne, over Daenerys.

Her quest had been shaped upon the belief she was the only one left to avenge their family and regain their throne.

If she didn't sit the Throne, had everything been for nothing?

The loss of her husband whom she had grown to love. The stillbirth of their son. The birth of her dragons.

As these thoughts raced through her mind, anger welled up inside her. She glared at Tyrion, her Hand. He had been the one to suggest Jon as an ally, the one to bring him to Dragonstone. She felt betrayed, used.

"Did you know?"

"I swear I did not. I thought he was Lord Stark's bastard. Nothing gave me a reason to believe otherwise."

The rage in her eyes did not abate. She rose from her throne, her icy glare never leaving Tyrion. "You've made a terrible mistake, Tyrion. A mistake that could cost us everything."

"I'm sorry, my queen. I truly thought I was doing what was best for the alliance. If I had known, I never would have brought him here." He sighed. "I know Jon Snow. He is honourable, like the man who raised him."

"His uncle-not his father."

"Yes, but Jon likely does not even want the Throne."

"It doesn't matter whether or not he wants it. As a male, he is above me in the line of succession, even more so as the only surviving child of my eldest brother. The North has fought for their independence. What better way than seating one of their own on the Throne to ensure they keep it?"

"There might be a simple solution," Varys, who until now remained silent, said. "A marriage pact. If you were to wed Jon Snow-Jaeharys Targaryen, you would still be Queen."

Daenerys turned her glare upon the Spider. "You truly think I would marry him?"

"I do," Varys replied, unflinching. "He's honorable, strong, and wise. He's won the loyalty of the North and the the Free Folk. The people love him. With you as his wife, you would be a formidable team. One that could bring peace to the realm."

"A Queen Consort. I did not come here to be the King's Queen. I came here to be the Queen." She said. "How do we even know he's telling the truth?"

"We don't," Tyrion said. "But, there is one way to confirm or deny his claim."

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