Visiting The Twins

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Meanwhile, in the Riverlands, just outside the Twins, a massive castle that served as the stronghold of House Frey, a raven was seen flying out of a window on the castle when suddenly an arrow hit it, killing it instantly.

Theon Greyjoy, the one who fired the fatal arrow, rushed over to it, retrieving the message it was carrying.

He brought it back to Robb, who was standing with a group of his advisors, including his mother, Catelyn, Rodrik Cassel, Garth Dragen, Ethan Snow, Greatjon Umber, Rutherford and Harold Quinn, and Carmine Grayburn. Robb briefly read through the letter.

"It's a birthday message to his grand-niece Walda."

"Or so Walder Frey would have you think." Theon told him, doubtfully.

After all, they had seen countless raven leaving the castle since their arrival.

"Keep shooting them down." Catelyn told him, causing him to nod. She then turned to her son. "We can't risk Lord Walder sending word of your movements to the Lannisters."

"We need to cross... and we need to do it soon. The longer we wait, the less time that Father, Sansa and Arya have." Robb responded.

"But will Lord Frey even let us cross?" Carmine asked.

"He's Grandfather's bannerman. We can't expecting Lord Walder's support?"

"Expect nothing of Walder Frey and you'll nevr be surprised." Greatjon spouted.

"The man's nothing but filth. He'll warm up to you, call you his greatest friend, and when he's done with you he'll slit your throat and throw your corpse into the Green Fork." Garth told them.

"Sometimes a slit throat doesn't look half as bad when dealing with Late Lord Frey." Ethan concurred.

Rutherford and Harold noticed someone coming over in the distance.

"Look." Rutherford pointed.

Everyone turned their attention to two riders approaching with the banners of House Frey.

"Father rots in a dungeon. How long before they take his head?"

Rodrik glanced at Robb.

"You're sure you still want to negotiate with this child raper?" He asked.

"Just march up to the gates and tell him you're crossing. We've got five times his numbers. You can take the Twins if you have to." Theon said.

"Not in time. Tywin Lannister marches north as we speak." Greatjon replied.

"The Freys have held the crossing for 600 years, and for 600 years they have never failed to exact their toll." Catelyn expressed.

Robb faced Theon. "Have my horse saddled and ready."

"Enter the Twins alone and he'll sell you to the Lannisters as he likes!" Greatjon told him,

"Or throw you in a dungeon. Or slit your throat." Theon added.

Carmine glanced at Theon and Greatjon. "Look, I don't like Lord Walder either, but I think you both may be overreacting...."

Greatjon scoffed in response. Robb looked uneasy as he saw the Frey riders getting closer.

"At least take some men with you, Lord Robb." Harold suggested.

"My father would do whatever it took to secure our crossing. Whatever it took." He glanced at his mother who was looking at the riders, worried. "If I'm going to lead an army, I can't have other men doing my bargaining for me."

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